I am not a rotorcraft expert as i just finished my first ever (hexacopter)
but i would start with a hobbyking f550 or similar quadcopter and not a hexacopter or more.
Optimize your motor and esc selection for 3-4S with 10x4.8 propellers
One advice, buy rotorcraft specific ESCs and good motors (ask the more experienced flyers here),
don't be cheap on the motors otherwise you will end up paying much more real soon
due to bearing failure and exaggerated power handling specs.
Wait for more opinions from those who know better than me...
On 08/27/2013 01:04 PM, Ben Scammell wrote:
I am a beginner inspired by the Lisa/S article on
www.theregister.co.uk that wants to build a quad-copter UAV based on it…