App Server: failed to parse paparazzi/conf/airframes/skyhunter.xml
App Server: failed to parse paparazzi/conf/flight_plans/versatile.xml
with all of my flightplans and airframes, which are working fine.
App Server: Client send an unknown command:
App Server: Client disconnected without saying 'bye':(
when this error occurs I need to restart the phone in order to get the program running agan
In the phone:
- I only see the first 2 blocks in the flightplan, the rest are missing
- I can make moves, change blocks and get most telemetry but the position of the aircraft in the map is never updated
- The names of the waypoints are too small to be read, but clicking on the waypoint shows a label with proper size
This is a Samsung S3 mini with standard Android 4.1.2