Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LISA_M FixedWing and PPM radio
Eduardo lavratti
Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LISA_M FixedWing and PPM radio
Mon, 19 May 2014 19:12:36 -0300
I know this issue and all my radio are upgraded.
BTW, i tested with ppz ppm encoder and the same problem occur when i set piD parameter.
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 17:47:37 -0400 From: address@hidden To: address@hidden Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LISA_M FixedWing and PPM radio
D4r-ii frsky receiver only handle 6 channel...this receiver have 18 ms time ppm frame...if you use all eight channel to maximun for example...2ms plus 8 equal to 16ms you loose the sync need to upgrade the firmware to 27ms ppm..i use the same receiver but only 6 channel seting in my radio...
Maybe this is your problem...check with oscilloscope f you have one..or in radio telemetry message
More information in link below..
Luis Carlos
El 19/05/2014 12:23, "Gautier Hattenberger" <address@hidden> escribió:
The soft derivation applies on the error (pitch angle - pitch
setpoint) while the other way only applies to pitch rate
measurement. So if the pitch setpoint (your RC input in AUTO1) is
noisy, it will end up in the elevator command.
Le 18/05/2014 23:34, Eduardo lavratti a
écrit :
Gautier, have you idea way the servos work flapping
when i use the ppm radio and soft derivation ?
Maybe a timming issue ?
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 22:22:44 +0200
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LISA_M FixedWing and PPM radio
In addition, I can tell that at time of the infrared sensors
for attitude estimation, pitch gyros were barely never used,
hence the "D" gain was applied after a "soft" derivation.
Using directly the gyro for this is fairly recent then. Felix
made it the default in master today, but it is only available
for "adaptive" and "new" control subsystem. The standard
control keeps the old way.
Le 18/05/2014 22:14, Eduardo
lavratti a écrit :
Are you using PPM radio ?
The define USE_GYRO_PITCH_RATE, as the name say, use gyros
for pid "D" part.
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 15:54:08
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LISA_M FixedWing and PPM
I use a lisa/m with my X8 and i haven't noticed anything
like that but then again i use an external IMU
with Paparazzi 4.2 as i have't got time to update the
software on that airplane.
On 05/18/2014 07:37 AM,
Eduardo lavratti wrote:
anyone flying PLANE with lisa/m and using ppm radio
Today i start do tune my talon plane using lisa/m
and cppm receiver. I am using frsky d4r-ii
I set the pitch_d parameter to have some damping in
pitch axis.
In MANUAL / AUTO2 the pitch_d work fine but when i
change to AUTO1 the elevator servos start to flap
like crazy.
If i remove the ppm signal the flapping stop and i
can confirm that the pitch_d parameter also work in
When i connect the ppm signal the servos start to
flapping again.
I not have any spectrum or sbus receiver to do other
tests .
Anyone know this issue ?
i will verify if this problem occur in lpc boards
(yapa) too