-I added few changes to pdf-token-reader.c regarding comments token. Otherwise, the main changes are affecting the token-reader unit test.
Left to be done are dictionaries, arrays and streams tokens, then other public functions defined in pdf-token-reader.h.
-About streams, in pdf-token-reader.c we allow the keyword stream to be followed by white-space and comments, but I can't find that in the specification (PDF Reference , version 1.7) which says page 61: " The keyword stream that follows the stream dictionary should be followed by an end-of-line marker ...". So why don't we limit the character following stream to an eol.
Besides, if we allow comments, we should not consider the eol of a comment as a eol indicating the beginning of stream data.
-In the
unit test pedf-token-read.c, in pdf_token_read_eos is written: /*TODO: verify stream position */ what should I do exactly ?
Best regards, Pierre