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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: etemplate/doc etemplate.html,1.12,1.13

From: Ralf Becker <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: etemplate/doc etemplate.html,1.12,1.13
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 05:13:31 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/etemplate/doc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv22893

Modified Files:
Log Message:
added <listbox> tag for multiline-selects,
moved attributs from <menupopup> to <menulist> (execpt options and id)
added several options for the predefined phpgw selects like cats or accounts
changed the referenz.html accourdingly

Index: etemplate.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/etemplate/doc/etemplate.html,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -r1.12 -r1.13
*** etemplate.html      12 Sep 2002 19:32:53 -0000      1.12
--- etemplate.html      17 Sep 2002 09:13:29 -0000      1.13
*** 349,353 ****
                $content = array(
                        'msg' => 
!                       'entry' => $entry               <span>// uses this, as we put 'entry' in the size-field</span>
                $this->tmpl->read('');     <span>// read the 
--- 349,353 ----
                $content = array(
                        'msg' => 
!                       'entry' => $entry               <span>// uses this, as we put 'entry' in the Options-field</span>
                $this->tmpl->read('');     <span>// read the 
*** 364,374 ****
                name and expands that for the first row to '1[name]' which 
addresses the name in the first match.
        <li>$content contains again 'msg' which we set to the number of entris 
found and the above array with the data of all rows under
!               the key 'entry', as we put that in Size for the field loading 
the sub-template ''. It not necessary to
!               put something in Size-field / use a sub-array for a 
sub-template, but it can be very helpful to organize a complex content-array.
!               (As an exercice you can remove 'entry' from the Size-field and 
change the function arrcordingly).
        <li>we now explizitly read the template '' (the 
constructor reed 'et_media.edit') and execute it again with
                the edit function as callback (because of that, show does NOT 
need to be listed in public_functions)
        <li>as '' contains only one data-row, but fieldnames 
with variables to expand, that row is autorepeated
!               for as many data we put into the content array (or the 
sub-array if we used the Size-field).
--- 364,374 ----
                name and expands that for the first row to '1[name]' which 
addresses the name in the first match.
        <li>$content contains again 'msg' which we set to the number of entris 
found and the above array with the data of all rows under
!               the key 'entry', as we put that in Options for the field 
loading the sub-template ''. It not necessary to
!               put something in Options-field / use a sub-array for a 
sub-template, but it can be very helpful to organize a complex content-array.
!               (As an exercice you can remove 'entry' from the Options-field 
and change the function arrcordingly).
        <li>we now explizitly read the template '' (the 
constructor reed 'et_media.edit') and execute it again with
                the edit function as callback (because of that, show does NOT 
need to be listed in public_functions)
        <li>as '' contains only one data-row, but fieldnames 
with variables to expand, that row is autorepeated
!               for as many data we put into the content array (or the 
sub-array if we used the Options-field).

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