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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: etemplate/templates/default nextmatch_widget.xul

From: Ralf Becker <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: etemplate/templates/default nextmatch_widget.xul,1.5,1.6 nextmatch_widget.nm_row.xul,1.1,NONE nextmatch_widget.nm_row1.xul,1.1,NONE nextmatch_widget.nm_row2.xul,1.1,NONE
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:07:35 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/etemplate/templates/default
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv1834

Modified Files:
Removed Files:
        nextmatch_widget.nm_row.xul nextmatch_widget.nm_row1.xul 
Log Message:
nextmatch etemplate is in one file now

Index: nextmatch_widget.xul
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** nextmatch_widget.xul        18 Sep 2002 14:31:41 -0000      1.5
--- nextmatch_widget.xul        22 Sep 2002 18:07:32 -0000      1.6
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,48 ----
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
+   <grid id="etemplate.nextmatch_widget.nm_row1" template="" lang="" group="0" 
version="" width="100%" spacing="0" padding="5">
+     <columns>
+       <column width="2%"/>
+       <column width="2%"/>
+       <column width="46%"/>
+       <column width="46%"/>
+       <column width="2%"/>
+       <column width="2%"/>
+     </columns>
+     <rows>
+       <row class="nmh">
+         <button image="first.gif" ro_image="first-grey.gif" label="First" 
id="first" statustext="go to the first entry"/>
+         <button image="left.gif" ro_image="left-grey.gif" label="Left" 
id="left" statustext="go to the previous page of entries"/>
+         <description value="showing" no_lang="1" align="right" id="range"/>
+         <description value="of" no_lang="1" id="rows[0]"/>
+         <button image="right.gif" ro_image="right-grey.gif" label="Right" 
id="right" statustext="go to the next page of entries"/>
+         <button image="last.gif" ro_image="last-grey.gif" label="Last" 
id="last" statustext="go to the last entry"/>
+       </row>
+     </rows>
+   </grid>
+   <grid id="etemplate.nextmatch_widget.nm_row2" template="" lang="" group="0" 
version="" width="100%" spacing="0" padding="5">
+     <columns>
+       <column width="30%"/>
+       <column/>
+       <column/>
+       <column width="25%"/>
+       <column width="5%"/>
+     </columns>
+     <rows>
+       <row class="nmh">
+         <menulist label="Category" onchange="1" statustext="select a 
+           <menupopup id="cat_id" options="-1" type="select-cat"/>
+         </menulist>
+         <menulist label="@filter_label" align="center" onchange="1" 
+           <menupopup id="filter"/>
+         </menulist>
+         <menulist label="@filter2_label" align="center" onchange="1" 
+           <menupopup id="filter2"/>
+         </menulist>
+         <textbox align="right" id="search" statustext="a pattern to be 
searched for"/>
+         <button label="Search" align="right" id="start_search" statustext="to 
start the search"/>
+       </row>
+     </rows>
+   </grid>
    <grid id="etemplate.nextmatch_widget" template="" lang="" group="" 
version="" width="100%" spacing="0">

--- nextmatch_widget.nm_row.xul DELETED ---

--- nextmatch_widget.nm_row1.xul DELETED ---

--- nextmatch_widget.nm_row2.xul DELETED ---

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