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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc,1.48,1.49

From: Ralf Becker <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc,1.48,1.49
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 05:19:14 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv18271

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
reworked preferences (ported from .16 incl. fixes):
- not set user-prefs use the default value, default values have been used only 
for new accounts before
- preference-table has new column preference_app
- preferences got automaticaly quoted now, eg. its save to use single and 
double quotes as well as backslashs

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.48
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -C2 -r1.48 -r1.49
***   19 Apr 2003 23:17:40 -0000      1.48
---   1 May 2003 09:19:11 -0000       1.49
*** 27,31 ****
        @class preferences 
        @abstract preferences class used for setting application preferences
!       @discussion Author: none yet
        class preferences
--- 27,35 ----
        @class preferences 
        @abstract preferences class used for setting application preferences
!       @discussion the prefs are read into 4 arrays: \
!               $data the effective prefs used everywhere in phpgw, they are 
merged from the other 3 arrays \
!               $user the stored user prefs, only used for manipulating and 
storeing the user prefs \
!               $default the default preferences, always used when the user has 
no own preference set \
!               $forced forced preferences set by the admin, they take 
precedence over user or default prefs
        class preferences
*** 35,40 ****
                /*! @var account_type */
                var $account_type;
!               /*! @var data */
                var $data = array();
                /*! @var db */
                var $db;
--- 39,50 ----
                /*! @var account_type */
                var $account_type;
!               /*! @var data effectiv user prefs, used by all apps */
                var $data = array();
+               /*! @var user set user prefs for saveing (no defaults/forced 
prefs merged) */
+               var $user = array();
+               /*! @var default default prefs */
+               var $default = array();
+               /*! @var forced forced prefs */
+               var $forced = array();
                /*! @var db */
                var $db;
*** 63,100 ****
                @function read_repository
                @abstract private - read preferences from the repository
                @discussion private function should only be called from within 
this class
                function read_repository()
!                       $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_preferences WHERE 
!                               . "preference_owner='" . $this->account_id . "' 
OR "
!                               . "preference_owner='-1' ORDER BY 
preference_owner DESC",__LINE__,__FILE__);
!                       $this->db->next_record();
!                       $pref_info  = $this->db->f('preference_value');
!                       $this->data = unserialize($pref_info);
!                       if ($this->db->next_record())
!                               $global_defaults = 
!                               while (is_array($global_defaults) && 
list($appname,$values) = each($global_defaults))
!                                       while (is_array($values) && 
list($var,$value) = each($values))
!                                               $this->data[$appname][$var] = 
!                       /* This is to supress warnings during login */
!                       if (is_array($this->data))
!                                reset ($this->data);
                        // This is to supress warnings durring login
                        if (is_array($this->data))
--- 73,179 ----
+               /*!
+               @function unquote
+               @abstract unquote (stripslashes) recursivly the whole array
+               @param $arr array to unquote (var-param!)
+               */
+               function unquote(&$arr)
+               {
+                       if (!is_array($arr))
+                       {
+                               $arr = stripslashes($arr);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       foreach($arr as $key => $value)
+                       {
+                               if (is_array($value))
+                               {
+                                       $this->unquote($arr[$key]);
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       $arr[$key] = stripslashes($value);      
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
                @function read_repository
                @abstract private - read preferences from the repository
+               @note the function ready all 3 prefs user/default/forced and 
merges them to the effective ones
                @discussion private function should only be called from within 
this class
                function read_repository()
!                       $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_preferences".
!                               " WHERE preference_owner IN 
!                       $this->forced = $this->default = $this->user = array();
!                       while($this->db->next_record())
!                               $app = $this->db->f('preference_app');
!                               $value = 
!                               $this->unquote($value);
!                               if (!is_array($value))
!                               {
!                                       $value = array();
!                               }
!                               switch($this->db->f('preference_owner'))
!                               {
!                                       case -1:        // forced
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->forced = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->forced[$app] = 
!                                               }
!                                               break;
!                                       case -2:        // default
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->default = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->default[$app] = 
!                                               }
!                                               break;
!                                       default:        // user
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->user = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->user[$app] = 
!                                               }
!                                               break;
!                               }
!                       }
!                       $this->data = $this->user;
!                       // now use defaults if needed (user-value unset or 
!                       //
!                       foreach($this->default as $app => $values)
!                       {
!                               foreach($values as $var => $value)
!                                       if (!isset($this->data[$app][$var]) || 
$this->data[$app][$var] === '')
!                                               $this->data[$app][$var] = 
!                       // now set/force forced values
!                       //
!                       foreach($this->forced as $app => $values)
!                               foreach($values as $var => $value)
!                               {
!                                       $this->data[$app][$var] = $value;
!                               }
                        // This is to supress warnings durring login
                        if (is_array($this->data))
*** 102,105 ****
--- 181,190 ----
+                       if ($this->debug && 
substr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'],0,3) != 'log') {
+                               echo "user<pre>";    print_r($this->user); echo 
+                               echo "forced<pre>";  print_r($this->forced); 
echo "</pre>\n";
+                               echo "default<pre>"; print_r($this->default); 
echo "</pre>\n";
+                               echo "effectiv<pre>";print_r($this->data); echo 
+                       }
                        return $this->data;
*** 129,135 ****
--- 214,222 ----
                @param $var name of preference to be stored
                @param $value value of the preference
+               @note the function works on user and data, to be able to save 
the pref and to have imediate effect
                function add($app_name,$var,$value = '')
+                       //echo "<p>add('$app_name','$var','$value')</p>\n";
                        if ($value == '')
*** 138,142 ****
!                       $this->data[$app_name][$var] = $value;
                        return $this->data;
--- 225,229 ----
!                       $this->user[$app_name][$var] = 
$this->data[$app_name][$var] = $value;
                        return $this->data;
*** 149,163 ****
--- 236,254 ----
                @param $app_name name of app
                @param $var variable to be deleted
+               @note the function works on user and data, to be able to save 
the pref and to have imediate effect
                function delete($app_name, $var = '')
+                       //echo "<p>delete('$app_name','$var')</p>\n";
                        if (is_string($var) && $var == '')
  //                            $this->data[$app_name] = array();
+                               unset($this->user[$app_name]);
+                               unset($this->user[$app_name][$var]);
                        reset ($this->data);
*** 170,182 ****
                @discussion Use for sublevels of prefs, such as email app's 
extra accounts preferences
                @param $app_name name of the app
!               @param $var String to be evaled's as an ARRAY structure, name 
of preference to be stored
                @param $value value of the preference
                function add_struct($app_name,$var,$value = '')
                        $code = '$this->data[$app_name]'.$var.' = $value;';
                        //echo 'class.preferences: add_struct: $code: 
!                       //echo 'class.preferences: add_struct: 
$this->data[$app_name] dump:'; _debug_array($this->data[$app_name]); echo 
                        return $this->data;
--- 261,285 ----
                @discussion Use for sublevels of prefs, such as email app's 
extra accounts preferences
                @param $app_name name of the app
!               @param $var array keys separated by '/', eg. 'ex_accounts/1'
                @param $value value of the preference
+               @note the function works on user and data, to be able to save 
the pref and to have imediate effect
                function add_struct($app_name,$var,$value = '')
+                       /* eval is slow and dangerous
                        $code = '$this->data[$app_name]'.$var.' = $value;';
                        //echo 'class.preferences: add_struct: $code: 
!                       */
!                       $parts = 
!                       $data = &$this->data[$app_name];
!                       $user = &$this->user[$app_name];
!                       foreach($parts as $name)
!                       {
!                               $data = &$data[$name];
!                               $user = &$user[$name];
!                       }
!                       $data = $user = $value;
!                       print_debug('class.preferences: add_struct: 
$this->data[$app_name] dump:', $this->data[$app_name],'api');
                        return $this->data;
*** 188,195 ****
                @discussion Use for sublevels of prefs, such as email app's 
extra accounts preferences
                @param $app_name name of app
!               @param $var String to be evaled's as an ARRAY structure, name 
of preference to be deleted
                function delete_struct($app_name, $var = '')
                        $code_1 = '$this->data[$app_name]'.$var.' = "";';
                        //echo 'class.preferences: delete_struct: $code_1: 
--- 291,300 ----
                @discussion Use for sublevels of prefs, such as email app's 
extra accounts preferences
                @param $app_name name of app
!               @param $var array keys separated by '/', eg. 'ex_accounts/1'
!               @note the function works on user and data, to be able to save 
the pref and to have imediate effect
                function delete_struct($app_name, $var = '')
+                       /* eval is slow and dangerous
                        $code_1 = '$this->data[$app_name]'.$var.' = "";';
                        //echo 'class.preferences: delete_struct: $code_1: 
*** 198,232 ****
                        //echo 'class.preferences: delete_struct:  $code_2: 
!                       //echo ' * $this->data[$app_name] dump:'; 
_debug_array($this->data[$app_name]); echo '<br>';
                        reset ($this->data);
                        return $this->data;
                @function save_repository
                @abstract save the the preferences to the repository
!               @discussion
!               function save_repository($update_session_info = False)
!                       $temp_data = $this->data;
                        if (! 
!                               $this->db->query("DELETE FROM phpgw_preferences 
WHERE preference_owner=" . intval($this->account_id),
!                               if (floor(phpversion()) < 4)
!                                       $pref_info = 
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $pref_info = serialize($this->data);
-                               }
-                               $this->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences 
(preference_owner,preference_value) VALUES ("
-                                       . intval($this->account_id) . ",'" . 
$pref_info . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
--- 303,392 ----
                        //echo 'class.preferences: delete_struct:  $code_2: 
!                       */
!                       $parts = 
!                       $last = array_pop($parts);
!                       $data = &$this->data[$app_name];
!                       $user = &$this->user[$app_name];
!                       foreach($parts as $name)
!                       {
!                               $data = &$data[$name];
!                               $user = &$user[$name];
!                       }
!                       unset($data[$last]);
!                       unset($user[$last]);
!                       print_debug('* $this->data[$app_name] dump:', 
                        reset ($this->data);
                        return $this->data;
!               /*!
!               @function quote
!               @abstract quote (addslashes) recursivly the whole array
!               @param $arr array to unquote (var-param!)
!               */
!               function quote(&$arr)
!               {
!                       if (!is_array($arr))
!                       {
!                               $arr = addslashes($arr);
!                               return;
!                       }
!                       foreach($arr as $key => $value)
!                       {
!                               if (is_array($value))
!                               {
!                                       $this->quote($arr[$key]);
!                               }
!                               else
!                               {
!                                       $arr[$key] = addslashes($value);
!                               }
!                       }
!               }
                @function save_repository
                @abstract save the the preferences to the repository
!               @syntax save_repository($update_session_info = False,$type='')
!               @param $update_session_info old param, seems not to be used
!               @param $type which prefs to update: user/default/forced 
!               @note the user prefs for saveing are in $this->user not in 
$this->data, which are the effectiv prefs only
!               function save_repository($update_session_info = 
!                       switch($type)
!                       {
!                               case 'forced':
!                                       $account_id = -1;
!                                       $prefs = &$this->forced;
!                                       break;
!                               case 'default':
!                                       $account_id = -2;
!                                       $prefs = &$this->default;
!                                       break;
!                               default:
!                                       $account_id = intval($this->account_id);
!                                       $prefs = &$this->user;  // we use the 
user-array as data contains default values too
!                                       break;
!                       }
!                       //echo "<p>preferences::save_repository(,$type): 
account_id=$account_id, prefs="; print_r($prefs); echo "</p>\n";
                        if (! 
!                               $this->db->query("delete from phpgw_preferences 
where preference_owner=$account_id",
!                               foreach($prefs as $app => $value)
!                                       if (!is_array($value)) continue;
!                                       $this->quote($value);
!                                       $value = 
$this->db->db_addslashes(serialize($value));   // this addslashes is for the 
!                                       $app = $this->db->db_addslashes($app);
!                                       $this->db->query($sql = "INSERT INTO 
!                                               " 
!                                               " VALUES 
*** 237,241 ****
!                       if 
($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['cache_phpgw_info'] && $this->account_id == 
--- 397,401 ----
!                       if (($type == 'user' || !$type) && 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['cache_phpgw_info'] && $this->account_id == 
*** 243,247 ****
!                       return $temp_data;
--- 403,407 ----
!                       return $this->data;
*** 254,258 ****
                function create_defaults($account_id)
!                       $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_preferences WHERE 
--- 414,419 ----
                function create_defaults($account_id)
!                       return; // not longer needed, as the defaults are 
merged in on runtime
!                       $this->db->query("select * from phpgw_preferences where 

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