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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc,1.49,1.50

From: Ralf Becker <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc,1.49,1.50
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 21:33:34 -0400

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv15543

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
added notify-messages to prefs:
- notify messages contain vars to be substituted, eg. $$username$$
- the var-name gets translated for editing
- new function create_notify in preferences.php
- new function parse_notify to substitute / create the notify msg

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -C2 -r1.49 -r1.50
***   1 May 2003 09:19:11 -0000       1.49
---   2 May 2003 01:33:32 -0000       1.50
*** 54,57 ****
--- 54,59 ----
                //var $debug_init_prefs = 2;
                //var $debug_init_prefs = 3;
+               var $values,$vars;      // standard notify substitues, will be 
set by standard_substitues()
*** 74,77 ****
--- 76,189 ----
+               @function parse_notify
+               @abstract parses a notify and replaces the substitutes
+               @syntax parse_notify($msg,$values='',$use_standard_values=True)
+               @param $msg message to parse / substitute
+               @param $values extra vars to replace in addition to 
$this->values, vars are in an array with \
+                       $key => $value pairs, $key does not include the $'s and 
is the *untranslated* name
+               @param $use_standard_values should the standard values are used
+               @returns the parsed notify-msg
+               */
+               function parse_notify($msg,$values='',$use_standard_values=True)
+               {
+                       $vals = $values ? $values : array();
+                       if ($use_standard_values && is_array($this->values))
+                       {
+                               $vals += $this->values;
+                       }
+                       foreach($vals as $key => $val)
+                       {
+                               $replace[] = '$$'.$key.'$$';
+                               $with[]    = $val;
+                       }
+                       return str_replace($replace,$with,$msg);
+               }
+               /*!
+               @function lang_notify
+               @abstract replaces the english key's with translated ones, or 
if $un_lang the opposite
+               @syntax lang_notify($msg,$values='',$un_lang=False)
+               @param $msg message to translate
+               @param $values extra vars to replace in addition to 
$this->values, vars are in an array with \
+                       $key => $value pairs, $key does not include the $'s and 
is the *untranslated* name
+               @param $un_lang if true translate back
+               @returns the result
+               */
+               function lang_notify($msg,$vals=array(),$un_lang=False)
+               {
+                       foreach($vals as $key => $val)
+                       {
+                               $lname = ($lname = lang($key)) == $key.'*' ? 
$key : $lname;
+                               if ($un_lang)
+                               {
+                                       $langs[$lname] = '$$'.$key.'$$';
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       $langs[$key] = '$$'.$lname.'$$';
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return $this->parse_notify($msg,$langs,False);
+               }
+               /*!
+               @function standard_substitues
+               @abstract define some standard substitues-values and use them 
on the prefs, if needed
+               */
+               function standard_substitutes()
+               {
+                       if 
+                       {
+                               $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences'] = 
$this->data;    // else no lang()
+                       }
+                       // we cant use phpgw_info/user/fullname, as it's not 
set when we run
+                       $this->values = array(  // standard notify replacements
+                               'username'  => $fname.' '.$lname,
+                               'firstname' => $fname,
+                               'lastname'  => $lname,
+                               'maildomain'=> 
+                               'email'     => 
+                               'date'      => 
+                       );
+                       $this->vars = array(    // langs have to be in common 
+                               'username'  => lang('name of the user, eg. 
+                               'firstname' => lang('first name of the user, 
eg. "%1"',$this->values['firstname']),
+                               'lastname'  => lang('last name of the user, eg. 
+                               'maildomain'=> lang('mail domain, eg. 
+                               'email'     => lang('email-address of the user, 
eg. "%1"',$this->values['email']),
+                               'date'      => lang('todays date, eg. 
+                       );
+                       // do this first, as it might be already contain some 
+                       //
+                       $this->values['email'] = 
+                       // do the substituetion in the effective prefs (data)
+                       //
+                       foreach($this->data as $app => $data)
+                       {
+                               foreach($data as $key => $val)
+                               {
+                                       if (!is_array($val) && 
strstr($val,'$$') !== False)
+                                       {
+                                               $this->data[$app][$key] = 
+                                       }
+                                       elseif (is_array($val))
+                                       {
+                                               foreach($val as $k => $v)
+                                               {
+                                                       if (!is_array($v) && 
strstr($val,'$$') !== False)
+                                                       {
$this->data[$app][$key][$k] = $this->parse_notify($v);
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               /*!
                @function unquote
                @abstract unquote (stripslashes) recursivly the whole array
*** 117,153 ****
                                if (!is_array($value))
!                                       $value = array();
                                        case -1:        // forced
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->forced = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->forced[$app] = 
!                                               }
                                        case -2:        // default
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->default = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->default[$app] = 
!                                               }
                                        default:        // user
!                                               if (empty($app))        // db 
not updated
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->user = $value;
!                                               }
!                                               else
!                                               {
!                                                       $this->user[$app] = 
!                                               }
--- 229,244 ----
                                if (!is_array($value))
!                                       continue;
                                        case -1:        // forced
!                                               $this->forced[$app] = $value;
                                        case -2:        // default
!                                               $this->default[$app] = $value;
                                        default:        // user
!                                               $this->user[$app] = $value;
*** 176,179 ****
--- 267,274 ----
+                       // setup the standard substitues and substitues the 
data in $this->data
+                       //
+                       $this->standard_substitutes();
                        // This is to supress warnings durring login
                        if (is_array($this->data))
*** 610,615 ****
!               @function sub_default_address
!               @abstract Helper function for create_email_preferences, gets 
default "From:" email address
                @discussion This will generate the appropriate email address 
used as the "From:" 
                email address when the user sends email, the address@hidden 
part. The "personal" 
--- 705,710 ----
!               @function email_address
!               @abstract returns the custom email-address (if set) or 
generates a default one
                @discussion This will generate the appropriate email address 
used as the "From:" 
                email address when the user sends email, the address@hidden 
part. The "personal" 
*** 617,626 ****
                In the absence of a custom ['email']['address'], this function 
should be used to set it.
                @param $accountid - as determined in and/or passed to 
!               @access Private
!               function sub_default_address($account_id='')
!                       $prefs_email_address = 
!                               . '@' . 
                        return $prefs_email_address;
--- 712,728 ----
                In the absence of a custom ['email']['address'], this function 
should be used to set it.
                @param $accountid - as determined in and/or passed to 
!               @access Public now
!               function email_address($account_id='')
!                       if ($this->data['email']['address'])
!                       {
!                               return $this->data['email']['address'];
!                       }
!                       $prefs_email_address = 
!                       if (strstr($prefs_email_address,'@') === False)
!                       {
!                               $prefs_email_address .= '@' . 
!                       }
                        return $prefs_email_address;
*** 992,996 ****
                        if (!isset($prefs['email']['address']))
!                               $prefs['email']['address'] = 
                        // ---  mail_server  ---
--- 1094,1098 ----
                        if (!isset($prefs['email']['address']))
!                               $prefs['email']['address'] = 
                        // ---  mail_server  ---

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