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[Phpgroupware-cvs] property/class.sotts.php,
From: |
nomail |
Subject: |
[Phpgroupware-cvs] property/class.sotts.php, |
Date: |
Fri, 21 May 2004 19:16:41 -0000 |
Update of /property
Modified Files:
date: 2004/04/23 21:26:33; author: sigurdne; state: Exp; lines: +480 -480
Log Message:
no message
Index: property/class.sotts.php
diff -u property/class.sotts.php: property/class.sotts.php:
--- property/class.sotts.php: Fri Apr 23 20:26:09 2004
+++ property/class.sotts.php Fri Apr 23 21:26:33 2004
@@ -1,480 +1,480 @@
- * phpGroupWare - property
- * http://www.phpgroupware.org
- *
- * Facilities Management
- * Written by Sigurd Nes [sigurdne at online.no]
- *
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
- * Copyright 2000 - 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * This program is part of the GNU project, see http://www.gnu.org/
- *
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it *
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your *
- * option) any later version.
- class property_sotts
- {
- function property_sotts()
- {
- $this->currentapp = 'property';
- $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
- $this->db2 = $this->db;
- $this->account =
- $this->historylog =
- $this->config =
- $this->bocommon =
- $this->join = $this->bocommon->join;
- $this->soadmin_entity =
- $this->dateformat =
- $this->fm_session =
- }
- function get_category_name($cat_id)
- {
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT
descr FROM fm_tts_category WHERE id='$cat_id' ");
- return stripslashes($dbresult->fields['descr']);
- }
- function select_category_list()
- {
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT id,
descr FROM fm_tts_category ORDER BY descr ");
- $i = 0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $categories[$i]['id']
= $dbresult->fields['id'];
- $categories[$i]['name']
= stripslashes($dbresult->fields['descr']);
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- return $categories;
- }
- function read($data)
- {
- if(is_array($data))
- {
- if ($data['start'])
- {
- $start=$data['start'];
- }
- else
- {
- $start=0;
- }
- $filter =
- $query =
- $sort =
- $order =
- $cat_id =
- $district_id =
- $allrows =
- }
-/* $this->grants =
- if(!$this->grants)
- {
- $this->acl2 =
- $this->grants =
- }
- if ($order)
- {
- $ordermethod = " order by $order $sort";
- }
- else
- {
- $ordermethod = ' order by fm_tts_tickets.id
- }
- $where= 'WHERE';
-/* $filtermethod = $where . ' ( fm_tts_tickets.user_id=' .
- if (is_array($this->grants))
- {
- $grants = $this->grants;
- while (list($user) = each($grants))
- {
- $public_user_list[] = $user;
- }
- reset($public_user_list);
- $filtermethod = " $where (
fm_tts_tickets.user_id IN(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . "))";
- }
- $where= 'AND';
- if ($filter == 'closed'):
- {
- $filtermethod .= " $where
- $where = 'AND';
- }
- elseif($filter == ''):
- {
- $filtermethod .= " $where
- $where = 'AND';
- }
- endif;
- if ($cat_id > 0)
- {
- $filtermethod .= " $where cat_id='$cat_id' ";
- $where = 'AND';
- }
- if ($district_id > 0)
- {
- $filtermethod .= " $where
district_id='$district_id' ";
- $where = 'AND';
- }
- if($query)
- {
- if(stristr($query, '.'))
- {
- $query=explode(".",$query);
- $querymethod = " $where
(fm_tts_tickets.loc1='" . $query[0] . "' AND fm_tts_tickets.loc4='" . $query[1]
. "')";
- }
- else
- {
- $query = ereg_replace("'",'',$query);
- $query = ereg_replace('"','',$query);
- $querymethod = " $where (subject LIKE
'%$query%' or address LIKE '%$query%' or fm_tts_tickets.location_code LIKE
- }
- }
- $sql = "SELECT fm_tts_tickets.*, fm_tts_category.descr
as category,phpgw_accounts.account_lid as user_lid FROM fm_tts_tickets
$this->join fm_tts_category on fm_tts_tickets.cat_id=fm_tts_category.id "
- . " $this->join phpgw_accounts on
fm_tts_tickets.user_id=phpgw_accounts.account_id "
- . " $this->join fm_location1 on
fm_tts_tickets.loc1=fm_location1.loc1 "
- . " $this->join fm_part_of_town on
fm_location1.part_of_town_id=fm_part_of_town.part_of_town_id $filtermethod
-//echo $sql;
- $dbresult2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $this->total_records = $dbresult2->_numOfRows;
- $maxmatchs = 15;
- if(!$allrows)
- {
- $dbresult =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->SelectLimit($sql . $ordermethod,$maxmatchs,$start);
- }
- else
- {
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql
. $ordermethod);
- }
- $i = 0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $tickets[$i]['id']
= $dbresult->fields['id'];
- $tickets[$i]['subject'] =
- $tickets[$i]['location_code'] =
- $tickets[$i]['user'] =
- $tickets[$i]['address'] =
- $tickets[$i]['assignedto'] =
- $tickets[$i]['status'] =
- $tickets[$i]['priority'] =
- $tickets[$i]['category'] =
- $tickets[$i]['group_id'] =
- $tickets[$i]['entry_date'] =
- $tickets[$i]['finnish_date'] =
- $tickets[$i]['finnish_date2'] =
- $dbresult2 =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("select count(*) from fm_tts_views where id='" .
- . "' and account_id='" .
$GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'] . "'");
- if (!$dbresult2->fields[0])
- {
- $tickets[$i]['new_ticket'] = True;
- }
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- return $tickets;
- }
- function get_origin_entity_type()
- {
- $sql = "SELECT fm_entity_origin.entity_id,
- . " FROM fm_entity_origin $this->join
fm_entity_category on fm_entity_origin.entity_id=fm_entity_category.entity_id"
- . " AND fm_entity_origin.cat_id=fm_entity_category.id "
- . " WHERE origin ='tts' and tracking=1 group by
fm_entity_origin.entity_id, fm_entity_origin.cat_id,name";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $i=0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $entity[$i]['type']='entity';
- $uicols[] = $dbresult->fields['name'];
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- $entity[$i]['type']='project';
- $uicols[] = lang('project');
- $this->uicols = $uicols;
- return $entity;
- }
- function get_child_date($id,$type,$entity_id='',$cat_id='')
- {
- $table= 'fm_' . $type . '_origin';
- if($cat_id)
- {
- $and = " AND entity_id=$entity_id AND
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE origin_id='$id' and
origin ='tts' $and";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $i=0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $date_info['date_info'][$i]['entry_date']=
- if($dbresult->fields['cat_id'])
- {
. $cat_id . '&id=' . $dbresult->fields['id']);
- }
- else
- {
. $type . '.view&id=' . $dbresult->fields[$type . '_id']);
- }
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- return $date_info;
- }
- function read_single($id)
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_tts_tickets WHERE id=$id";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- if (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $ticket['assignedto'] =
- $ticket['user_id'] =
- $ticket['group_id'] =
- $ticket['status'] =
- $ticket['cat_id'] =
- $ticket['subject'] =
- $ticket['priority'] =
- $ticket['details'] =
- $ticket['location_code'] =
-// $ticket['contact_phone'] =
- $ticket['address'] =
- $ticket['tenant_id'] =
- $ticket['p_num'] =
- $ticket['p_entity_id'] =
- $ticket['p_cat_id'] =
- $ticket['finnish_date'] =
- $ticket['finnish_date2'] =
- $user_id=(int)$dbresult->fields['user_id'];
- $dbresult =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT account_firstname,account_lastname FROM
phpgw_accounts WHERE account_id='$user_id' ");
- $ticket['user_name'] =
$dbresult->fields['account_firstname'] . " "
.$dbresult->fields['account_lastname'] ;
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_request_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts'";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $i=0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $ticket['request_id'][$i]['id'] =
- $ticket['request_id'][$i]['entry_date'] =
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_project_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts'";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $i=0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- $ticket['project_id'][$i]['id'] =
- $ticket['project_id'][$i]['entry_date'] =
- $i++;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_entity_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts' ORDER BY entity_id ASC";
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
- $i=0;
- $j=0;
- $entity_id=0;
- while (!$dbresult->EOF)
- {
- if(!$first)
- {
- $boadmin_entity =
- $entity =
- $entity_id =
- }
- if($dbresult->fields['entity_id']==$entity_id)
- {
- $ticket['entity'][$i]['name'] =
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['id'] = $dbresult->fields['id'];
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['link'] =
. $dbresult->fields['cat_id']);
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['entry_date'] =
- $j++;
- }
- else
- {
- $i++;
- $j=0;
- $entity =
- $entity_id =
- $ticket['entity'][$i]['name'] =
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['id'] = $dbresult->fields['id'];
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['link'] =
. $dbresult->fields['cat_id']);
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['entry_date'] =
- $j++;
- }
- $first=True;
- $dbresult->MoveNext();
- }
- return $ticket;
- }
- function update_view($id='')
- {
- // Have they viewed this ticket before ?
- $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT
count(*) from fm_tts_views where id='$id' "
- . "and account_id='" .
$GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'] . "'");
- if (! $dbresult->fields[0])
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("INSERT into
fm_tts_views (id,account_id,time) values ('$id','"
- . $GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id']
. "','" . time() . "')");
- }
- }
- function add($ticket)
- {
- while (is_array($ticket['location']) &&
list($input_name,$value) = each($ticket['location']))
- {
- if($value)
- {
- $cols[] = $input_name;
- $vals[] = $value;
- }
- }
- while (is_array($ticket['extra']) &&
list($input_name,$value) = each($ticket['extra']))
- {
- if($value)
- {
- $cols[] = $input_name;
- $vals[] = $value;
- }
- }
- if($cols)
- {
- $cols = "," . implode(",", $cols);
- $vals = ",'" . implode("','", $vals) . "'";
- }
- if($ticket['street_name'])
- {
- $address[]= $ticket['street_name'];
- $address[]= $ticket['street_number'];
- $address = implode(" ", $address);
- }
- if(!$address)
- {
- $address = $ticket['location_name'];
- }
- $values= array(
- $ticket['priority'],
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'],
- $ticket['assignedto'],
- $ticket['group_id'],
- $this->db->db_addslashes($ticket['subject']),
- $ticket['cat_id'],
- 'O',
- $this->db->db_addslashes($ticket['details']),
- $ticket['location_code'],
- $address,
- time(),
- $ticket['finnish_date']);
- $values = $this->bocommon->validate_db_insert($values);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->begintrans();
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("INSERT into
fm_tts_tickets (priority,user_id,"
- .
- . "address,entry_date,finnish_date $cols)"
- . "VALUES ($values $vals )");
- $id =
- if($ticket['extra']['contact_phone'])
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("UPDATE
fm_tenant set contact_phone='". $ticket['extra']['contact_phone']. "' where
tenant_id='". $ticket['extra']['tenant_id']. "'");
- }
- if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->committrans())
- {
- $this->historylog->add('O',$id,mktime(),'');
- if($ticket['finnish_date'])
- {
- }
- }
- $receipt['message'][0]=array('msg'=>lang('Ticket %1 has
been saved',$id));
- $receipt['id'] = $id;
- return $receipt;
- }
- }
+ * phpGroupWare - property
+ * http://www.phpgroupware.org
+ *
+ * Facilities Management
+ * Written by Sigurd Nes [sigurdne at online.no]
+ *
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
+ * Copyright 2000 - 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+ * This program is part of the GNU project, see http://www.gnu.org/
+ *
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it *
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your *
+ * option) any later version.
+ class property_sotts
+ {
+ function property_sotts()
+ {
+ $this->currentapp = 'property';
+ $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
+ $this->db2 = $this->db;
+ $this->account =
+ $this->historylog =
+ $this->config =
+ $this->bocommon =
+ $this->join = $this->bocommon->join;
+ $this->soadmin_entity =
+ $this->dateformat =
+ $this->fm_session =
+ }
+ function get_category_name($cat_id)
+ {
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT
descr FROM fm_tts_category WHERE id='$cat_id' ");
+ return stripslashes($dbresult->fields['descr']);
+ }
+ function select_category_list()
+ {
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT id,
descr FROM fm_tts_category ORDER BY descr ");
+ $i = 0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $categories[$i]['id']
= $dbresult->fields['id'];
+ $categories[$i]['name']
= stripslashes($dbresult->fields['descr']);
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return $categories;
+ }
+ function read($data)
+ {
+ if(is_array($data))
+ {
+ if ($data['start'])
+ {
+ $start=$data['start'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $start=0;
+ }
+ $filter =
+ $query =
+ $sort =
+ $order =
+ $cat_id =
+ $district_id =
+ $allrows =
+ }
+/* $this->grants =
+ if(!$this->grants)
+ {
+ $this->acl2 =
+ $this->grants =
+ }
+ if ($order)
+ {
+ $ordermethod = " order by $order $sort";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ordermethod = ' order by fm_tts_tickets.id
+ }
+ $where= 'WHERE';
+/* $filtermethod = $where . ' ( fm_tts_tickets.user_id=' .
+ if (is_array($this->grants))
+ {
+ $grants = $this->grants;
+ while (list($user) = each($grants))
+ {
+ $public_user_list[] = $user;
+ }
+ reset($public_user_list);
+ $filtermethod = " $where (
fm_tts_tickets.user_id IN(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . "))";
+ }
+ $where= 'AND';
+ if ($filter == 'closed'):
+ {
+ $filtermethod .= " $where
+ $where = 'AND';
+ }
+ elseif($filter == ''):
+ {
+ $filtermethod .= " $where
+ $where = 'AND';
+ }
+ endif;
+ if ($cat_id > 0)
+ {
+ $filtermethod .= " $where cat_id='$cat_id' ";
+ $where = 'AND';
+ }
+ if ($district_id > 0)
+ {
+ $filtermethod .= " $where
district_id='$district_id' ";
+ $where = 'AND';
+ }
+ if($query)
+ {
+ if(stristr($query, '.'))
+ {
+ $query=explode(".",$query);
+ $querymethod = " $where
(fm_tts_tickets.loc1='" . $query[0] . "' AND fm_tts_tickets.loc4='" . $query[1]
. "')";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query = ereg_replace("'",'',$query);
+ $query = ereg_replace('"','',$query);
+ $querymethod = " $where (subject LIKE
'%$query%' or address LIKE '%$query%' or fm_tts_tickets.location_code LIKE
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT fm_tts_tickets.*, fm_tts_category.descr
as category,phpgw_accounts.account_lid as user_lid FROM fm_tts_tickets
$this->join fm_tts_category on fm_tts_tickets.cat_id=fm_tts_category.id "
+ . " $this->join phpgw_accounts on
fm_tts_tickets.user_id=phpgw_accounts.account_id "
+ . " $this->join fm_location1 on
fm_tts_tickets.loc1=fm_location1.loc1 "
+ . " $this->join fm_part_of_town on
fm_location1.part_of_town_id=fm_part_of_town.part_of_town_id $filtermethod
+//echo $sql;
+ $dbresult2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $this->total_records = $dbresult2->_numOfRows;
+ $maxmatchs = 15;
+ if(!$allrows)
+ {
+ $dbresult =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->SelectLimit($sql . $ordermethod,$maxmatchs,$start);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql
. $ordermethod);
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $tickets[$i]['id']
= $dbresult->fields['id'];
+ $tickets[$i]['subject'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['location_code'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['user'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['address'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['assignedto'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['status'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['priority'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['category'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['group_id'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['entry_date'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['finnish_date'] =
+ $tickets[$i]['finnish_date2'] =
+ $dbresult2 =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("select count(*) from fm_tts_views where id='" .
+ . "' and account_id='" .
$GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'] . "'");
+ if (!$dbresult2->fields[0])
+ {
+ $tickets[$i]['new_ticket'] = True;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return $tickets;
+ }
+ function get_origin_entity_type()
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT fm_entity_origin.entity_id,
+ . " FROM fm_entity_origin $this->join
fm_entity_category on fm_entity_origin.entity_id=fm_entity_category.entity_id"
+ . " AND fm_entity_origin.cat_id=fm_entity_category.id "
+ . " WHERE origin ='tts' and tracking=1 group by
fm_entity_origin.entity_id, fm_entity_origin.cat_id,name";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $i=0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $entity[$i]['type']='entity';
+ $uicols[] = $dbresult->fields['name'];
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $entity[$i]['type']='project';
+ $uicols[] = lang('project');
+ $this->uicols = $uicols;
+ return $entity;
+ }
+ function get_child_date($id,$type,$entity_id='',$cat_id='')
+ {
+ $table= 'fm_' . $type . '_origin';
+ if($cat_id)
+ {
+ $and = " AND entity_id=$entity_id AND
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE origin_id='$id' and
origin ='tts' $and";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $i=0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $date_info['date_info'][$i]['entry_date']=
+ if($dbresult->fields['cat_id'])
+ {
. $cat_id . '&id=' . $dbresult->fields['id']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
. $type . '.view&id=' . $dbresult->fields[$type . '_id']);
+ }
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return $date_info;
+ }
+ function read_single($id)
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_tts_tickets WHERE id=$id";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ if (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $ticket['assignedto'] =
+ $ticket['user_id'] =
+ $ticket['group_id'] =
+ $ticket['status'] =
+ $ticket['cat_id'] =
+ $ticket['subject'] =
+ $ticket['priority'] =
+ $ticket['details'] =
+ $ticket['location_code'] =
+// $ticket['contact_phone'] =
+ $ticket['address'] =
+ $ticket['tenant_id'] =
+ $ticket['p_num'] =
+ $ticket['p_entity_id'] =
+ $ticket['p_cat_id'] =
+ $ticket['finnish_date'] =
+ $ticket['finnish_date2'] =
+ $user_id=(int)$dbresult->fields['user_id'];
+ $dbresult =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT account_firstname,account_lastname FROM
phpgw_accounts WHERE account_id='$user_id' ");
+ $ticket['user_name'] =
$dbresult->fields['account_firstname'] . " "
.$dbresult->fields['account_lastname'] ;
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_request_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts'";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $i=0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $ticket['request_id'][$i]['id'] =
+ $ticket['request_id'][$i]['entry_date'] =
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_project_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts'";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $i=0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ $ticket['project_id'][$i]['id'] =
+ $ticket['project_id'][$i]['entry_date'] =
+ $i++;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_entity_origin WHERE
origin_id='$id' and origin ='tts' ORDER BY entity_id ASC";
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute($sql);
+ $i=0;
+ $j=0;
+ $entity_id=0;
+ while (!$dbresult->EOF)
+ {
+ if(!$first)
+ {
+ $boadmin_entity =
+ $entity =
+ $entity_id =
+ }
+ if($dbresult->fields['entity_id']==$entity_id)
+ {
+ $ticket['entity'][$i]['name'] =
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['id'] = $dbresult->fields['id'];
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['link'] =
. $dbresult->fields['cat_id']);
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['entry_date'] =
+ $j++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $i++;
+ $j=0;
+ $entity =
+ $entity_id =
+ $ticket['entity'][$i]['name'] =
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['id'] = $dbresult->fields['id'];
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['link'] =
. $dbresult->fields['cat_id']);
$ticket['entity'][$i]['link_info'][$j]['entry_date'] =
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $first=True;
+ $dbresult->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return $ticket;
+ }
+ function update_view($id='')
+ {
+ // Have they viewed this ticket before ?
+ $dbresult = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("SELECT
count(*) from fm_tts_views where id='$id' "
+ . "and account_id='" .
$GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'] . "'");
+ if (! $dbresult->fields[0])
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("INSERT into
fm_tts_views (id,account_id,time) values ('$id','"
+ . $GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id']
. "','" . time() . "')");
+ }
+ }
+ function add($ticket)
+ {
+ while (is_array($ticket['location']) &&
list($input_name,$value) = each($ticket['location']))
+ {
+ if($value)
+ {
+ $cols[] = $input_name;
+ $vals[] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ while (is_array($ticket['extra']) &&
list($input_name,$value) = each($ticket['extra']))
+ {
+ if($value)
+ {
+ $cols[] = $input_name;
+ $vals[] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ if($cols)
+ {
+ $cols = "," . implode(",", $cols);
+ $vals = ",'" . implode("','", $vals) . "'";
+ }
+ if($ticket['street_name'])
+ {
+ $address[]= $ticket['street_name'];
+ $address[]= $ticket['street_number'];
+ $address = implode(" ", $address);
+ }
+ if(!$address)
+ {
+ $address = $ticket['location_name'];
+ }
+ $values= array(
+ $ticket['priority'],
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw_data']['user']['id'],
+ $ticket['assignedto'],
+ $ticket['group_id'],
+ $this->db->db_addslashes($ticket['subject']),
+ $ticket['cat_id'],
+ 'O',
+ $this->db->db_addslashes($ticket['details']),
+ $ticket['location_code'],
+ $address,
+ time(),
+ $ticket['finnish_date']);
+ $values = $this->bocommon->validate_db_insert($values);
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->begintrans();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("INSERT into
fm_tts_tickets (priority,user_id,"
+ .
+ . "address,entry_date,finnish_date $cols)"
+ . "VALUES ($values $vals )");
+ $id =
+ if($ticket['extra']['contact_phone'])
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->Execute("UPDATE
fm_tenant set contact_phone='". $ticket['extra']['contact_phone']. "' where
tenant_id='". $ticket['extra']['tenant_id']. "'");
+ }
+ if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->committrans())
+ {
+ $this->historylog->add('O',$id,mktime(),'');
+ if($ticket['finnish_date'])
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ $receipt['message'][0]=array('msg'=>lang('Ticket %1 has
been saved',$id));
+ $receipt['id'] = $id;
+ return $receipt;
+ }
+ }
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