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[Phpgroupware-cvs] manual/templates/base odt2xhtml.xsl

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] manual/templates/base odt2xhtml.xsl
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 13:10:58 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/phpgroupware
Module name:    manual
Changes by:     Sigurd Nes <sigurdne>   07/03/29 13:10:58

Added files:
        templates/base : odt2xhtml.xsl 

Log message:
        alternative stylesheet


Index: odt2xhtml.xsl
RCS file: odt2xhtml.xsl
diff -N odt2xhtml.xsl
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ odt2xhtml.xsl       29 Mar 2007 13:10:58 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+This file is dual-licensed.
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+    This stylesheet converts OpenDocument text files to XHTML.
+    Copyright (C) 2005-2006 J. David Eisenberg
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+       Author: J. David Eisenberg
+       Contact: address@hidden
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+ Apache 2.0
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+       xmlns:xsl="";
+    xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"
+    xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0"
+    xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0"
+    xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"
+    xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0"
+    xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"
+    xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0"
+    xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0"
+    xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0"
+    xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0"
+    xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0"
+    xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0"
+    xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"
+    xmlns:anim="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
+    xmlns:dc="";
+    xmlns:xlink="";
+    xmlns:math="";
+    xmlns:xforms="";
+    xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0"
+    xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"
+    xmlns:smil="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0"
+       xmlns:ooo="";
+       xmlns:ooow="";
+       xmlns:oooc="";
+       xmlns:int="";
+    xmlns="";
+       exclude-result-prefixes="office meta config text table draw presentation
+               dr3d chart form script style number anim dc xlink math xforms fo
+               svg smil ooo ooow oooc int #default"
+       method="xml"
+       indent="yes"
+       omit-xml-declaration="yes"
+       doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+       doctype-system="";
+       encoding="UTF-8"
+<xsl:variable name="lineBreak"><xsl:text>
+<xsl:key name="listTypes" match="text:list-style" use="@style:name"/>
+<xsl:template match="/office:document-content">
+<html xmlns="";>
+<title>Converted by odt_to_xhtml.xsl</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
+<xsl:apply-templates select="office:automatic-styles"/>
+<xsl:apply-templates select="office:body/office:text"/>
+<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
+       This section of the transformation handles styles in the
+       content.xml file
+<xsl:template match="office:automatic-styles">
+       <style type="text/css">
+       <xsl:apply-templates/>
+       </style>
+<xsl:template match="style:style">
+       <xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:family='table'">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="process-table-style"/>
+               </xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:family='table-column'">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="process-table-column-style"/>
+               </xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:family='table-cell'">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="process-table-cell-style"/>
+               </xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:family='paragraph'">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="process-paragraph-style"/>
+               </xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:family='text'">
+                       <xsl:call-template name="process-text-style"/>
+               </xsl:when>
+       </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template name="process-table-style">
+       <xsl:if test="style:table-properties">
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="translate(@style:name,'.','_')"/>
+               <xsl:text>{width: </xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="style:table-properties/
+                       @style:width"/>
+               <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="process-table-column-style">
+       <xsl:if test="style:table-column-properties">
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="translate(@style:name,'.','_')"/>
+               <xsl:text>{width: </xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="style:table-column-properties/
+                       @style:column-width"/><xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+                               <xsl:call-template 
+                       <xsl:with-param name="nodeSet"
+                               select="style:table-properties"/>
+               </xsl:call-template>
+               <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="process-table-cell-style">
+       <xsl:if test="style:table-cell-properties">
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="translate(@style:name,'.','_')"/>
+               <xsl:text>{</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:call-template name="handle-style-properties">
+                       <xsl:with-param name="nodeSet"
+                               select="style:table-cell-properties"/>
+               </xsl:call-template>
+               <xsl:text>}</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="process-paragraph-style">
+       <xsl:if test="style:paragraph-properties">
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="translate(@style:name,'.','_')"/>
+               <xsl:text>{</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:call-template name="handle-style-properties">
+                       <xsl:with-param name="nodeSet"
+                               select="style:paragraph-properties"/>
+               </xsl:call-template>
+               <xsl:text>}</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="process-text-style">
+       <xsl:if test="style:text-properties">
+               <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+               <xsl:value-of select="translate(@style:name,'.','_')"/>
+               <xsl:text>{</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+               <xsl:call-template name="handle-style-properties">
+                       <xsl:with-param name="nodeSet"
+                               select="style:text-properties"/>
+               </xsl:call-template>
+               <xsl:text>}</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="handle-style-properties">
+       <xsl:param name="nodeSet"/>
+       <xsl:for-each select="$nodeSet/@*">
+               <xsl:variable name="this" select="."/>
+               <xsl:variable name="find" select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet/
+                       int:attr-map/int:address@hidden($this)]"/>
+               <xsl:if test="$find">
+                       <xsl:variable name="action" select="$find/@action"/>
+                       <xsl:choose>
+                               <xsl:when test="$action='pass-through'">
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="pass-through"/>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                               <xsl:when test="$action='check-align'">
+                                       <xsl:call-template name="check-align"/>
+                               </xsl:when>
+                       </xsl:choose>
+               </xsl:if>
+       </xsl:for-each>
+<xsl:template name="pass-through">
+       <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/><xsl:text>: </xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="."/><xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+<xsl:template name="check-align">
+       <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/><xsl:text>: </xsl:text>
+       <xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:when test=".='start'"><xsl:text>left</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test=".='end'"><xsl:text>right</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+               <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+       <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+<xsl:template match="text:list-level-style-bullet">
+       <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="../@style:name"/>
+       <xsl:text>_</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="@text:level"/>
+       <xsl:text>{ list-style-type: </xsl:text>
+       <xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:when test="@text:level mod 3 = 1">disc</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@text:level mod 3 = 2">circle</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@text:level mod 3 = 0">square</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:otherwise>decimal</xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+       <xsl:text>;}</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+<xsl:template match="text:list-level-style-number">
+       <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="../@style:name"/>
+       <xsl:text>_</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="@text:level"/>
+       <xsl:text>{ list-style-type: </xsl:text>
+       <xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:num-format='1'">decimal</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:num-format='I'">upper-roman</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:num-format='i'">lower-roman</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:num-format='A'">upper-alpha</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:when test="@style:num-format='a'">lower-alpha</xsl:when>
+               <xsl:otherwise>decimal</xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+       <xsl:text>;}</xsl:text>
+       <xsl:value-of select="$lineBreak"/>
+<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
+       This section of the transformation handles the true content
+       elements in the content.xml file
+       Yes, paragraphs in ODT really produce a <div> in XHTML,
+       because an ODT paragraph has no extra line spacing.
+<xsl:template match="text:p">
+       <div class="{translate(@text:style-name,'.','_')}">
+               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+               <xsl:if test="count(node())=0"><br /></xsl:if>
+       </div>
+<xsl:template match="text:span">
+       <span class="{translate(@text:style-name,'.','_')}">
+               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+       </span>
+<xsl:template match="text:h">
+       <!-- Heading levels go only to 6 in XHTML -->
+       <xsl:variable name="level">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="@text:outline-level &gt; 6">6</xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="@text:outline-level"/>
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:element name="{concat('h', $level)}">
+               <xsl:attribute name="class">
+                       <xsl:value-of
+                       select="translate(@text:style-name,'.','_')"/>
+               </xsl:attribute>
+               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+       </xsl:element>
+       When processing a list, you have to look at the parent style
+       *and* level of nesting
+<xsl:template match="text:list">
+       <xsl:variable name="level" select="count(ancestor::text:list)+1"/>
+       <!-- the list class is the @text:style-name of the outermost
+               <text:list> element -->
+       <xsl:variable name="listClass">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="$level=1">
+                               <xsl:value-of select="@text:style-name"/>
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>
+                               <xsl:value-of select="
+                       </xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <!-- Now select the <text:list-level-style-foo> element at this
+               level of nesting for this list -->
+       <xsl:variable name="node" select="key('listTypes',
+               $listClass)/address@hidden:level='$level']"/>
+       <!-- emit appropriate list type -->
+       <xsl:choose>
+               <xsl:when test="local-name($node)='list-level-style-number'">
+                       <ol class="{concat($listClass,'_',$level)}">
+                               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+                       </ol>
+               </xsl:when>
+               <xsl:otherwise>
+                       <ul class="{concat($listClass,'_',$level)}">
+                               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+                       </ul>
+               </xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template match="text:list-item">
+       <li><xsl:apply-templates/></li>
+<xsl:template match="table:table">
+       <table class="address@hidden:style-name}">
+               <colgroup>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates select="table:table-column"/>
+               </colgroup>
+               <xsl:if test="table:table-header-rows/table:table-row">
+                       <thead>
+                       <xsl:apply-templates
+                               </thead>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <tbody>
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="table:table-row"/>
+               </tbody>
+       </table>
+<xsl:template match="table:table-column">
+       <xsl:if test="@table:number-columns-repeated">
+               <xsl:attribute name="span">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="@table:number-columns-repeated"/>
+               </xsl:attribute>
+       </xsl:if>
+       <xsl:if test="@table:style-name">
+               <xsl:attribute name="class">
+                       <xsl:value-of 
+               </xsl:attribute>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template match="table:table-row">
+       <xsl:apply-templates select="table:table-cell"/>
+<xsl:template match="table:table-cell">
+       <xsl:variable name="n">
+               <xsl:choose>
+                       <xsl:when test="@table:number-columns-repeated != 0">
+                               <xsl:value-of 
+                       </xsl:when>
+                       <xsl:otherwise>1</xsl:otherwise>
+               </xsl:choose>
+       </xsl:variable>
+       <xsl:call-template name="process-table-cell">
+               <xsl:with-param name="n" select="$n"/>
+       </xsl:call-template>
+<xsl:template name="process-table-cell">
+       <xsl:param name="n"/>
+       <xsl:if test="$n != 0">
+               <td>
+               <xsl:if test="@table:style-name">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="class">
+                               <xsl:value-of 
+                                       '.','_')"/>
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:if test="@table:number-columns-spanned">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="colspan">
+                               <xsl:value-of 
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:if test="@table:number-rows-spanned">
+                       <xsl:attribute name="rowspan">
+                               <xsl:value-of 
+                       </xsl:attribute>
+               </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:apply-templates/>
+               </td>
+               <xsl:call-template name="process-table-cell">
+                       <xsl:with-param name="n" select="$n - 1"/>
+               </xsl:call-template>
+       </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template match="text:tab">
+       <xsl:text xml:space="preserve"> </xsl:text>
+<xsl:template match="text:line-break">
+       <br />
+<xsl:variable name="spaces"
+    xml:space="preserve">                              </xsl:variable>
+<xsl:template match="text:s">
+    <xsl:when test="@text:c">
+        <xsl:call-template name="insert-spaces">
+            <xsl:with-param name="n" select="@text:c"/>
+        </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>
+        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+    </xsl:otherwise>
+<xsl:template name="insert-spaces">
+<xsl:param name="n"/>
+    <xsl:when test="$n &lt;= 30">
+        <xsl:value-of select="substring($spaces, 1, $n)"/>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$spaces"/>
+        <xsl:call-template name="insert-spaces">
+            <xsl:with-param name="n">
+                <xsl:value-of select="$n - 30"/>
+            </xsl:with-param>
+        </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:otherwise>
+<xsl:template match="text:a">
+<a href="address@hidden:href}"><xsl:apply-templates/></a>
+       <text:bookmark-start /> and <text:bookmark-end /> can
+       be on non-wellformed boundaries. The quickest solution is
+       to create an <a name=""></a> element.
+       If you don't put in any content, it becomes an empty element,
+       which will confuse browsers. While we would love to insert
+       a zero-width non-breaking space (Unicode 0x200b), Internet
+       Explorer doesn't recognize it.  Hence this ugly hack:
+<xsl:template match="text:bookmark-start|text:bookmark">
+<a name="address@hidden:name}"><span style="font-size: 0px"><xsl:text> 
+       This template is too dangerous to leave active...
+<xsl:template match="text()">
+       <xsl:if test="normalize-space(.) !=''">
+               <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+       This is a list of fo: attributes to be transferred to the
+       output document. The action tells which template is to be
+       called to process the attribute.
+       <int:attr name="fo:border-left" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:border-right" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:border-top" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:border-bottom" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:border" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:margin-left" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:margin-right" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:margin-top" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:margin-bottom" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:margin" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:padding-left" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:padding-right" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:padding-top" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:padding-bottom" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:padding" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:text-indent" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:font-variant" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:font-family" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:color" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:background-color" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:font-style" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:font-weight" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:line-height" action="pass-through"/>
+       <int:attr name="fo:text-align" action="check-align"/>

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