Chris Weiss wrote:
it should come from the setup/config setting for your site url
There is no URL setting in the /phpgroupware/setup screen unless Server
Root is the URL (it defaults to filesystem path):
Server Root (this is a path like /httpd/htdocs/phpgroupware)
Include Root (this should be the same as Server Root unless you know
what you are doing)
Admin password to header manager
DB Host Hostname/IP of
DB Name Name of Database
DB User Name of DB User as
phpgroupware has to connect as
DB Password Password of DB User
DB Type What Database do you want to use with
Configuration Password Password
needed for configuration
Persistent connection Do you want
persistent connections (higher performance, but eats memory)
Sessions Type
Enable MCrypt
MCrypt version
MCrypt initilazation vector
Domain select box on login
Patrick Price (address@hidden) wrote*:
I made it through configuration and creating admin/demo accounts, but
now the login.php form tries to post to /login.php. It should be
posting to /phpgroupware/login.php or just login.php.
The / should not be there. Where is the / coming from?
Patrick Price