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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] FAQ? and admin authentication bugs

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] FAQ? and admin authentication bugs
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:28:15 +0000

ok this is turning into a 2 person flame session.  I'll be glad to try to 
my points better and listen to yours in IRC on #phpgroupware on
(formerly openprojects).

Chris Weiss (address@hidden) wrote*:
>>>very interesting, but it only works when the two passwords are the same.
>>Very. Originally I had the two passwords the same  So I changed them to
>>be different for testing/verifying this problem.  Same behavior.  The
>>passwords are being ignored.  The authentication mechanism is broken,
>>period.  From two different computers (Sun Blade 100 and Intel
>>Platform), two different operating systems (Solaris 8 and W2K), and two
>>different browsers (Communicator 4.76 and IE 5.5 SP2).
>I would be interested to see if other people can repeat this.  With my 
>different i cannot repeat it.

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