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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Addressbook Entries and Everything in its place

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Addressbook Entries and Everything in its place
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:15:52 +1000

Hi all,

I have been away and come back to read the most popular topic on the
list  since the release of .14.  Well I have a spare 2c, so I am
chucking it in.

Mark Hanze <address@hidden> wrote:

> >Well, in my experience, if Jack wants Jill to make an entry in 
> his address
> >book, that's available only to him, then, in a real world 
> situation and
> >violating every rule of good practice, he will give Jill access 
> to his
> >account by furnishing her with his password. That's what they do when
> >they're using Exchange. That's what they'll do no matter what you 
> give>them. :\ That's not to say that the option for good practice 
> shouldn't>exist.
> >
> >Ian
> Well I'm not one to glorify exchange. My school district just 
> dumped exchange
> <phew> after many years of use <and trouble>. There was no need to 
> publicize your
> password to grant admin type access to your cal or mail for that 
> matter. After
> moving to SuSE eMail Server 3.1, we found the UI left a lot to be 
> desired, so we
> adopted phpgw and are looking to do the same type of cal and mail 
> sharing wee had
> with exchange.

Good move :)  As far as a sharing entries, it works quite well for my
main client.  I did do a little hack, which made the global stuff a
little easier.  Here it is:

1. Setup a 'global' group called "all users"
2. Setup a global category called "office staff" (or whatever)
4. Add ACL rights in admin to allow members of the "all users" group to
read "all user" entries
3. Any user adds all the entries
5. Each night a cron job is run to reassign 'ownership' of these entries
to the group - it could be run hourly if you like

> On another note, why can’t we see the system users in the address 
> book. 

I posted a reply to this question (i thnk it was yours iirc) on this
issue on savannah ... it is possible using the hr app and using the
profile id button.  If this is not enough then maybe a request for a
batch add function can be submitted as a feature request.

> Some of our users would like to group the system users and email the
> group?

This may be possible ... but i would suggest that you put in a feature
request for it on savannah (see ), as a fair bit of
coding will be needed from what i understand.

I would suggest the same course of action to anyone wanting enhancements
to phpgw apps.  This way the developers/maintainers of apps are aware of
what you (the users) want from the system.  It would be nice if they had
enough time in the day to read every posting on this list, every posting
on the developer list, every bug report, every support request, every
patch and monitor irc and still have some time left to develop.  

Although it may seem that they are super human, I hate to be the one to
break it to you they aren't ;)

I think that if information winds up where it belongs it will get the
attention it deserves.  

Someone can correct me if I am wrong but this is where I understand
things should go:

* User List( address@hidden - this list)
User problems, if you want to get an answer on a problem, then this is
the place to come, we will let you know if it is a bug or not.

* Developer List( address@hidden)
Where developer issues are discussed, such as the new template system.

* Savannah Bugs( )
Where bugs are reported, they are then dealt with by the
developer/maintainer of the app - Please select the app category

* Savannah Support( )
DO NOT POST BUGS HERE (sorry for shouting, but the point must be made).
 Post your feaure requests here (where they will be allocated and
evaluated) or questions about the system here - Please select the type

* Savannah Patches( )
This is where enhancements to the product are posted.  Once accepted
they are added to cvs.  Please be aware that the patches posted here are
considered un tested until added to cvs.  When posting patches please
select the app category.

* IRC( irc:// or #phpgroupware on
Come hang out with the phpgw crew :)


Dave Hall

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