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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] ldap auth help/documents

From: Izzy Blacklock
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] ldap auth help/documents
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 09:32:48 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Thursday 27 Mar 2003 6:23 am, Chris Hirsch wrote:
> I'll comment briefly on this and do what seemed to work for me. In order
> to get my stuff to work with no errors I had to create the Admin user
> and let it automatically create the Default and Admin groups. Once I was
> able to do this everything just seemed to work nicely. I deleted the
> Admin user and then created a new one by going into the "Modify an
> existing LDAP account store...." and selected a single user for admin,
> several users for phpGW support and left groups alone and modified the
> default apps which are available (which now works btw so great job
> whoever fixed that).
> I am using the CVS version from about 2 weeks ago (I think) if that
> helps any. Let me know if this doesn't work because I'd LOVE to help out
> other people with this. Its rough going but seems to be getting better
> each time.
> Chris

Thanks Chris,

Sadly, I've tried everything you've described already.  For some reason, the 
modify an exist LDAP account tool isn't working for me.  I don't get any 
errors and all the selection boxes are populated correctly.  Selecting and 
clicking modify just causes the browser to sit and think for a bet and 
eventually redisplay the same page.  No changes to my LDAP tree.

I tried manually adding the phpgw elements to my account using the ldap tools, 
but this doesn't allow me to log in.  I've figured out the bug on creating 
the demo and default admin account, but I can't log in using them either.  
Again, no errors are being displayed.

I've resorted to searching the source trying to find where things are failing, 
but my limited knowledge of php is getting in the way.  I can't figure out 
how to cause messages to be displayed or logged so I can add checkpoint 


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