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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Updating to rc3...

From: Marco Gaiarin
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Updating to rc3...
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 13:07:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

Mandi! Dave Hall
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Can you please log this one on savannah?  I will check it.

Sure, i done this now.

> > then i've pushed back on browser, reload the page and the setup page
> > seems to say me that i'm OK.
> ewwww, back in setup is not a good idea - but sometimes it is the only
> option.


> My Italian is almost non existent,

Hem, sorry, this time i've done install with english messages...

> That is not good.

No. I've done a second try, but after restoring the .14 database and
before upgrading i've done a simple:

        delete from phpgw_vfs;

after this the upgrade went well, apart:

  This application has been removed from phpGroupWare.
  Please download patchwork from the funkwerk project. Patchwork is the 
supported replacement for Image Editor in phpGroupWare.
  Updating sitemgr to a multilingual architecture with existing site language 
enFixing column names.Fixing column names.
  Database error: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phpgw_sitemgr_content 
(area,cat_id,page_id,module_id,arguments,sort_order,viewable,actif) VALUES 
  PostgreSQL Error: 1 (ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index 
phpgw_sitemgr_content_pkey )
  File: /usr/local/share/phpgroupware/sitemgr/setup/ Line: 
  Session halted.
  Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in 
/usr/local/share/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/ on line 485

In vfs/filemanager/phpwebhosting i have only some test file, so there's
no problem at all to delete these, but i cannot delete the sitemanager
tables, all my internal web infrastructure are sitemanager-based! ;)

Apart this real problem, i've found another one: if i try to login with
my user (gaio) or user guest i got:

        account/group id conflict - bad luck

and nothing more. Aided by grep i've found
and the function get_type() that verify if an ID is a user or a group.

Really there's a conflict, gaio have id 1000 as group sysman (changed
to 666 ;), and guest have id 999 as group guests (changed to 998).
But after modifying this nothing changed. I've learned some things:

+ again there's no support for having the same id for user and group.
 I've deployed the ldap server with the phpgw installation, so for me
 there's no a big problem, but again i think this is a problem if phpgw
 have to be integrated in a complex and UNIX-minded LDAP environment.

+ new LDAP schema add a mandatory field phpgwAccountID and
 phpgwGroupID, but looking into code, seems
 that they are not used, but is used the more standard uidNumber and
 gidNumber. This for me sounds really strange. A mandatory unused
 field?! ;)

+ after modifying with GQ the ldap data so that there's no more user
 and group with the same ID (modifing group sysman and guests as above)
 still the login print ``account/group id conflict - bad luck''.
 I've had to comment out the die() row in get_type() function...

+ AFAIK phpgw i expect that a change in ID of groups guests and
 sysadmin will brake some things, like user gaio not more in group syadm
 and user guest no more in group guests, but... i'm still in group
 sysman... the information ``user X in group Y'' now are stored in LDAP
 and not in acl tables?! This will be wonderful! ;-)))

> That is very strange.  Do you have a tar'ed back up of the db handy?  I
> may need it for testing, as I only have mysql backups.

The db are pretty like empty, and does not contain password, so i will
send you.
Still contain some sensible data, please don't make it public.
[if you want my LDAP database this is more difficult... try to make
something without it ;]

dott. Marco Gaiarin                                 GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''      
  Polo FVG  -  Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078  -  San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  gaio(at)             tel +39-0434-842711    fax +39-0434-842797

                        Informazione & Democrazia
  Dobbiamo tutti lavorare insieme per costruire un'alternativa concreta al
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