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[Phpgroupware-users] phpGroupware calendar and email

From: Curtis Carpenter
Subject: [Phpgroupware-users] phpGroupware calendar and email
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 12:52:37 -0600


First, I would like to say that phpGroupware is really cool. I can see
phpG playing a big part at my company, but I have a few errors I need to
get rid of first.

I am running phpgroupware with php-4.3.10, apache-2.0.51 on a
RH 9 box.

I have a basic phpgroupware configuration running at the moment, but
have run into two problems:

     1. This is probably a stupid one: When I try to add a calendar
        entry with other users I get the following error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in
/home/phpgroupware/calendar/inc/ on line 1354
(this line is a Header() call)

The action succeeds, but the next page is the above error.

I have a feeling this problem is not specific to calendar, I just saw it
in calendar first. I first thought permissions, but I have my
phpgroupware dir/* set as 755 and my files directory (one dir up) set as
777 for now. I have not touched the code. 

     1. I am having trouble setting up the email module. I see in the
        archives this has been more of a problem for other users. I have
        a basic configuration using our mail server's pop port. Here are
        the errors:
Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {}INBOX

imap_last_error: [Certificate failure for self signed
certificate: /C=US/ST=IL/L=Chicago/O=Driveitaway/OU=Mail
tried RH bug recovery?: [1] 

Yes, the cert on our mail server is self-signed. Is there a way to get
around this error?

Thanks much,


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