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[Phpgroupware-users] cow

From: Elisabeth Hebert
Subject: [Phpgroupware-users] cow
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 11:09:32 +0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

When you use your work email address to answer an explicit sex ad, you are essentially in violation of your employer's TOU. These are talented people living off fear and adrenaline.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
You have to understand what it is to be an independent author making his living off of this. I never found out who was responsible for this but it sure made me laugh.
To get one, a person should just touch the blue gingham box on the floor which says BoingBoing T-shirt.
It's an hilarious and enraging segment that shows what a creature of PR messages the "President" is, and how totally empty those focus-grouped aphorisms are. Aquage doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.
Kirk's command chair from the bridge of the Enterprise-A on the original "Star Trek" series. Encryption is one of the essential security technologies for computer data, and it will go a long way toward securing VOIP. Kirk's command chair from the bridge of the Enterprise-A on the original "Star Trek" series.
One could also dive into a discussion about the business ethics and why an "end justifies the means" rational is usually a slippery slope.
One could also dive into a discussion about the business ethics and why an "end justifies the means" rational is usually a slippery slope. In his "experiment", Jason Fortuny violated several ethical and social TOUs that many of us accept as basic privacy and communication rules of conduct. VOIP calls are vulnerable to a variety of threats that traditional telephone calls are not.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
"That is not for the weak of heart, and it's not what traditional media companies are good at. While effective for use with a small number of people willing to configure and learn it, it was just too burdensome for many others.
Public opinion, particularly in the blogosphere, can make or break a startup, and it would be unwise for them to ignore this reality, even if this generates a "buzz".
Although it would take some skill, who wants their neighbors being able to listen in? Regardless, consumer-facing VOIP still needs shoring up in the security department, beyond encryption, but still has to remain easy to use. Her eBay listing included her own photos of the product.
Just as long as it's not just encryption for encryption's sake.
Also, you have continued to display copyrighted Aquage containers in your advertisements, yet another violation of SalonQuest's legal rights under the federal Copyright Act. Despite being formally notified that you are violating SalonQuest's legal rights, you have continued to list additional Aquage products on eBay. Others may view it much more darkly, and that's their prerogative. The clothes wriggle, unfold, collapse, and transform by themselves.

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