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[Phpgroupware-users] tongue-in-cheek

From: Laura Abbott
Subject: [Phpgroupware-users] tongue-in-cheek
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:59:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

It saves hours of manual labor whenever there is a change to the organization's phone number, address, website or CEO.
Replacements can be performed in the body, headers and footers, in hyperlinks and field codes, in text boxes and shapes, and in the document properties such as Title, Subject, Author and Company. It's also very handy for maintaining hyperlinks when presentations are migrated to a new server with a different name. EasyPatterns provide an easy-to-learn alternative to perl-style regular expressions for beginners.
com AND get a free gift at the Timberfest this week.
WordPipe allows an organization to make multiple changes to thousands of documents at the same time.
Come get a free demo at Timberfest. com and you can order online!
Perfect for trips to and from your campsite!
It saves hours of manual labor whenever there is a change to the organization's phone number, address, website or CEO.
Perfect for trips to and from your campsite!
It is the most comprehensive search and replace tool available, with Unicode finding and replacing for foreign languages and a search-only mode. com and you can order online! com AND get a free gift at the Timberfest this week.
com offers you a better relay experience, whether you use it online or wireless.
Past events have successfully drawn hundreds of people from all over the State of Texas as well as out-of-state visitors.
Bloggers can be vicious.
As is natural at times and places like this when you have a spare sixty minutes or so, I connect to the net to pick up. Come get a free demo at Timberfest.
Replacements can be performed in slides, the header and footer, in hyperlinks, in text boxes and shapes, and in the document properties such as Title, Subject, Author and Company. Its charter is to provide IT professionals with time saving data analysis tools. Check out the rest of the site while you are there, good stuff.
Data extraction, processing and conversion software.
Try a rod before buying it; those that know me are aware of the rod I bought on a whim. A free evaluation can be downloaded from the company's website.
Get a FREE SIDEKICK SKIN. com offers you a better relay experience, whether you use it online or wireless. Perfect for trips to and from your campsite! It saves hours of manual labor whenever there is a change to the organization's phone number, address, website or CEO. Replacements can be performed in slides, the header and footer, in hyperlinks, in text boxes and shapes, and in the document properties such as Title, Subject, Author and Company. A free evaluation can be downloaded from the company's website. Past events have successfully drawn hundreds of people from all over the State of Texas as well as out-of-state visitors.
It saves hours of manual labor whenever there is a change to the organization's phone number, address, website or CEO.
As is natural at times and places like this when you have a spare sixty minutes or so, I connect to the net to pick up.
As is natural at times and places like this when you have a spare sixty minutes or so, I connect to the net to pick up. Please reset your bookmarks to my new home at happyrobot.
I even got a discount after mailing the owner of Fulling Mill. Get a FREE SIDEKICK SKIN.

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