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Re: New Windows Project File

From: David Philippi
Subject: Re: New Windows Project File
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:15:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

On Monday 23 December 2002 18:58, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> The original binaries I sent were just before I got a virus infection on my
> computer, and have been removed because of that (they didn't test positive,
> but its better to be safe)

Now that you mention it I start to remember. :-)

> I will send up a binary as soon as people want it, just with a modem it
> takes about 1-2 hours so I'd rather do it less frequently if possible, just
> let me know (either on the ML or directly) when the code is at a short term
> plateau of stability and I will bung a release up.

Well I guess there's no need at all to have frequent Win32 binaries. It'd do 
nice to have one so that people having no linux at all can test the game and 
to get a new release when pingus gets either more stable or there are some 
really important bugfixes.

Bye Dvaid

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