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[Prime-dev] Re: Where do we start

From: Gerry Kirk
Subject: [Prime-dev] Re: Where do we start
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 16:46:03 +0600 (BDT)

Hi Jeff,

I'm back in B'desh, wading through a pile of emails. You were
asking about how to use CVS. I found a page on the savannah site
which gives some details about how to upload/download files.
Perhaps you already found it. There is a link to it from the
PRiMe Administration page. I would try out the steps listed, but
my cohort re-installed Linux on the machine with the modem, and I
don't know any user/password for it! I'll get that tomorrow. I'm
attaching a copy of the page for you.

Are you running Windows or Linux? If you are running Windows,
things are a little bit tricker. You need software to run CVS.
I've heard Cygwin does the trick.


P.S. My father-in-law's health has improved a lot over the past
few weeks. We had a good visit. Thanks for your prayers.

IT Specialist

How to upload my project ?

To upload your project..

For your project sources and website hosted on savannah, you must use CVS. rsync and scp are only acceptable for the download area.

***** Upload the project sources

1) You should go in the local dir where you want to put your local CVS tree. For example:
cd /opt

2) You should follow instructions in your CVS project page on savannah (as : savannah CVS page ).
- If you have SSH version two, add Protocol 1 in the ~/.ssh/config file, even if you think that your SSH will switch to protocol 1 automatically (alternatively, if you use ssh2 on others servers adding Protocol 1,2 in the ~/.ssh/config should work)
This could be basicaly done with:
echo "Protocol 1" > ~/.ssh/config
go to : Change Authorized Keys page (logged in)
- Your savannah password is useless for cvs. You have to register a CVS/SSH Shared key in the Account Maintenance page for the machine from which you run cv To generate a proper key, with a passphrase, do:
- You to download the CVS tree structure, do (Substitute developername with the proper value):
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 co myproject

3) Then, in the dir /opt/myproject, you should copy all the files you want to insert in the CVS tree.

4) Once you have localy set your project tree, you can upload it. To upload a file and a directory :
cd /opt/myproject
cvs add myfile
cvs add mydir
(or cvs add myfile mydir)
cvs commit

Read Execute man cvs to get more informations.
Also, you could read the Quick reference to CVS.

***** Upload the website

It works in the same way.

1) You should go in the local dir where you want to put your local WWW CVS tree.
For example:
cd /opt/www

2) You should follow instructions in your CVS project page on savannah (as : savannah CVS page).
- If you have SSH version two, add Protocol 1 in the ~/.ssh/config file, even if you think that your SSH will switch to protocol 1 automatically (alternatively, if you use ssh2 on others servers adding Protocol 1,2 in the ~/.ssh/config should work)
This could be basicaly done with:
echo "Protocol 1" > ~/.ssh/config
go to : Change Authorized Keys page (logged in)
- Your savannah password is useless for cvs. You have to register a CVS/SSH Shared key in the Account Maintenance page for the machine from which you run cv To generate a proper key, with a passphrase, do:
- You to download the CVS tree structure, do (Substitute developername with the proper value):
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 co non-gnu/myproject/

3) Then, in the dir /opt/www/non-gnu/myproject, you should copy all the files you want to insert in the CVS tree.

4) Once you have localy set your project tree, you can upload it. To upload a file and a directory :
cd /opt/www/non-gnu/myproject
cvs add myfile
cvs add mydir
(or cvs add myfile mydir)
cvs commit

5) To use a symlinks, you must add a file named .symlinks in each directory where you want to make symbolic links. Each line of the file list a real file name followed by the name of the symbolic link. The symbolic links are built once a day.
or example, to make a ln -s src/pouf.css style.css do:
echo "src/pouf.css style.css" >> .symlinks

****** Upload file in the download area for non-gnu projects

( )

You should use scp or rsync.
So you should have a registered ssh key (see previous sections)
- Go in the dir when files to upload are:
cd /opt/myproject/download
- To use scp:
scp myfile address@hidden:/upload/myproject

Execute man scp or man rsync to get more informations.

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