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Re: assert vs. abort

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: assert vs. abort
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 09:27:09 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 10:27:01AM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
     > The notion (implied by the NDBUG mechanism) that assertions are
     > something to be disabled in production code is a common one, but one
     > that I think is misguided.  I would only set NDEBUG in code where
     > speed is absolutely critical, and pspp doesn't have that criteria.
     This is a common argument and a very old one; C. A. R. Hoare said
     something similar, although about array bounds checks, way back
     in 1972, according to a citation by Knuth.  I sympathize with the
     sentiment.  But I think it's flawed.
     First: Some useful assertions are very expensive.  Consider the
     assertion at the end of binary_search() in array.c:
       expensive_assert (find (array, count, size, value, compare, aux) == 
     This assertion is invoked when the binary search didn't find a
     match.  It linearly searches the array for a match.  This
     assertion can fail if the array was not actually sorted or if the
     comparison function is wonky.  That's something valuable to check
     for, but it increases the cost of a failing binary search from
     O(lg n) to O(n).  That's normally acceptable for debugging, but
     not good for real use.
     Also: it's impossible to tell how much assertions actually cost
     you unless you occasionally turn them off and run tests with and
     without them.  I've actually done this from time to time.  It's

I didn't say that they should *never* be turned off. I said that
dogmatically turning them off for production code is not a good idea
(especially if all the quality assurance tests have been done with
them turned ON --- it's amazing how many sofware houses do this).
     > Whilst were talking about these things, I'm not too happy with the
     > current implementation of request_bug_report_and_abort().  One of the
     > reasons it could get called is heap exhaustion.  Any implementation of
     > printf is free to use the heap, so we could end up with an infinite
     > loop.  I think the strings should be statically allocated on startup,
     > and just shipped to stderr using fputs.
     write(STDERR_FILENO, buf, buf_len) would be even more
     conservative, because it wouldn't try to obtain the lock that
     POSIX requires streams to have.

     How about this:
         ASSERT() -- for cheap, important checks
         ASSERT1() -- for more expensive or less important checks
         ASSERT2() -- for expensive checks
         ASSERT_LEVEL -- if defined to a number, checks at the given
         level or higher are disabled.
         NOT_REACHED() -- as discussed

I'd be reasonably happy with that.  presumably ASSERT{,1,2} simply
call ASSERT_LEVEL.  And you might want to change 1 & 2 to symbols,
that way, we can insert a level between 1 and 2 at a later stage if we
find it becomes necessary.

The question remains then, what level of assertions should be enabled

* I suppose for development all assertions are enabled?

* NOT_REACHED should *always* be enabled.

* Do we want to turn off some/all ASSERTs when doing make dist ?  If
  so, then we'd have to hack the automake rules, to set the relevant
  assertion level and do a clean rebuild.

* Some systems I've seen have allow the assert/debug/log level to be
  set at runtime (through a config file).  Further, some allow  a
  "domain" flag in addition to  the level (eg {PARSER,OUTPUT,DATA
  etc}).    Although the   complexity of such systems usually means
  that most developers don't  understand how to use them, so they
  either avoid using it, or else they misuse it and thus render it
  useless for the few people who actually do know how to use it


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