On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 07:59:19PM +0200, Harry Thijssen wrote:
Hi all
I agree with John and Friedrich, it looks as if there are nasty bugs in the
data import which manifest itself on MSWindows. Probably other OS-es are
also effected.
Let's try to pin those bugs down.
The spreadsheet import is currently not implemented. I'm working on that.
I think the text import is working. But there may be some issues to be fixed.
Can you identify any such issues?
Today I tested my procedures if they are still able to produce a build. It did and I placed this test version on sourceforge
I won't be surprised if the bugs are related.
I guess if the last is solved I can rebuild and we can starting testing what happens. Hopefully users will join the tests.
Besides the import I guess there are not much nasty bugs as the latest test builds, 2018-01-08 is downloaded at least 700 times and I have seen not many bug reports.
Have fun