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Re: Viewer tables into Excel?

From: Karel Novotny
Subject: Re: Viewer tables into Excel?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 01:01:21 -0200

Having the function mentioned by Mario would mean a big leap for PSPP. I
am an average linux user who sticks up with GUIs (where possible). Being
able to export the results to an excel (or OpenOffice)-readable format
would spare me a big amount of work.

I am saying that knowing that your capacities for development are
limited. Thanks for your work, the software is already great as is and I
hope it will keep developing.

Is there a wishlist to which one could add ideas?



On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 06:28 +0900, John Darrington wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 05:00:23PM +0000, Mario Giesel wrote:
>      Hello, list,
>      is it possible to export frequency tables into Excel so that I
>      can chart the reults? 
> Not exactly.  But you can use the AGGREGATE command to achieve the
> same purpose.  If you have a variable X, then a command like
>       OUTFILE=*
>       /break=X
>       COUNT=n(X).
> will create a new variable COUNT containing the number of occurances
> of each distinct value of X.  You can then either cut+paste or use
> LIST, WRITE etc to create a format that excel can understand.
> Alternatively, PSPP is quite capable of creating simple frequency
> histograms, with a command like:
>       /HISTOGRAM.
> I hope this helps.
> J'
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