Hi, i need help
does pspp have implemented logistic regresion?
thanks a lot
- M. Victoria Perez - Unidad Informática -
- Fondo Nacional de Recursos -
Tel 901 40 91 int 178
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De: unknown-1 [mailto:address@hidden Enviado el: vie 29/05/2009 8:15 Para: address@hidden Asunto: Re: Install pspp over windows + graphical user interface
Wow this will be a cool message, I agree with everybody.
To Victoria: You need to install it from CygwinPorts. Like from ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/cygwinports/release BUT this is only the first pitfall. A lot will follow if you continue to compile this yourself.
To Jose Ignacio Yarza: Right this even contains a howtomake-pspp4windows which described what to do so you can compile it yourself. But using the compiled version is a lot easier.
To Michel: Right!
Have fun
- Logistic regression,
Victoria Perez <=