On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Rodrigo Isaac
<address@hidden> wrote:
Thesame way happens here in Nicaragua. We often don't recommend to use free software in a privative system, but if the person doesn't feels too sure about use GNU/Linux, well you can evangelize little by little.
I think also that free software is not only GNU/Linux.
And if you're going to promote Free Software by colaborating in a package for a Non Free System, even it would be preferible to code in a Free plataform...
See you later!
PD: http://linuxtour.org/sfd
2009/9/18 michel
A teacher told me that he is worried about the Windows version of PSPP.
According to him I'm collaborating with Windows and fighting against Free
since with my binaries the users don't have to change to a open OS.
I myself thing that any change must be gradual, and so make those versions
helps the process,
because users can migrate step by step to an open environment. I don't
think users will migrate
immediately to a 100% Opensource system. It's more likely that they will
change a software by
time. Here on Brazil, a lot of users already know and uses Open Office,
for example.
What do you think about this?
Best regards,
Michel Boaventura
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"Prohibido prohibir. La libertad comienza por una prohibición."
Linux user # 471524 / Ubuntu user # 23047
Rodrigo Isaac Rodríguez Borge
Nómada: el artista de la multitud
Managua, Nicaragua
skype: roirobo
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