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Re: Fw: Re[2]: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: Fw: Re[2]: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 07:43:01 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Many years ago I gave up using Windows for serious work, largley because the 
kind of frustration you seem to be experiencing was so common.  As with all
GNU software, for best results we recommend running on  a GNU/Linux operating

Having said that, today I borrowed some time on a Windows 7 machine, 
installed Harry's windows port of 0.7.9-gab8ce2 and tried some experiments
based on what you have reported.

I had no problems running two consecutive FREQUENCIES commands on a dataset
of 28000 cases and 200 variables - although is takes about 2 minutes to run
(certainly a lot slower than on GNU/Linux).  The syntax I used to test this 
is below - it might help if you try it to see what your results are.

new file.

input program.
vector vec(200).
 loop #c= 1 to 28000.
  loop #v = 1 to 200.
   compute vec(#v) = #c *10000 + #v.
  end loop.
  end case.
end loop.
end file.
end input program.

frequencies /variables = vec6 vec9.

frequencies /variables = vec1 vec100.

(The machine I used had 2GB Ram and a 1.86GHz processor)

If the above syntax works for you, but you still have problems with your own 
datasets, then please post your data and the syntax you're running and I'll have
a look at it to see if it really is a PSPP problem or just another inexplicable 
windows quirk.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 03:25:48AM +0000, Tom Gillaspy wrote:
> If anyone can help I will be grateful.
> ------ Forwarded Message ------
> From: "Tom Gillaspy" <address@hidden>
> To: "Renan Levine" <address@hidden>
> Sent: 2/20/2012 2:13:30 PM
> Subject: Re[2]: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7
> Thanks.  I wasn't aware of that file.  A common error in the file is as  
> follows.  The full file is attached.  Does this help?
> .1-7: error: DISPLAY: DISPLAY is allowed only after the active dataset
> has been defined or inside INPUT PROGRAM
> .1-6: error: SET: Syntax error at `output': expecting end of command.
> error: EXECUTE: EXECUTE is allowed only after the active dataset has
> been defined.
> GET FILE="C:\ACS Data\ACS 2010\Mn Person ACS 2010.sav".
> error: EXECUTE: EXECUTE is allowed only after the active dataset has
> been defined.
> set workspace=100000000
> GET FILE="C:\ACS Data\ACS 2010\Mn Person ACS 2010.sav".
> GET FILE="C:\ACS Data\ACS 2010\Mn Person ACS 2010.sav".
> SYSFILE INFO "C:\ACS Data\ACS 2010\Mn Person ACS 2010.sav".
> .1-7: error: DISPLAY: DISPLAY is allowed only after the active dataset
> has been defined or inside INPUT PROGRAM.
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Renan Levine" <address@hidden>
> To: "Tom Gillaspy" <address@hidden>
> Sent: 2/20/2012 1:48:15 PM
> Subject: Re: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7
>> Sorry to hear its completely failing you. Crash info is often
>> contained in the pspp.jnl file
>> On 20-Feb-12 2:24 PM, Tom Gillaspy wrote:
>>> I think I am about to give up on PSPP.  I downloaded the version you
>>> suggested and tried with three different databases, all of which have 
>>> been used before with no problems, and always the result is the same. 
>>> It runs the first task and then freezes on the second.  There is
>>> never an error message or log but there is a message for extreme CPU
>>> use from the system.  i think the program is getting lost in an
>>> endless loop that may be cause by some address conflict that would be 
>>> nearly impossible to find.  The frustrating thing is that there is no 
>>> information with which to start an analysis of the problem.
>>> FYI, I always uninstalled before  reinstalling
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> From: "Renan Levine" <address@hidden>
>>> To: "Tom Gillaspy" <address@hidden>
>>> Sent: 2/20/2012 12:23:12 PM
>>> Subject: Re: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7
>>>> Dear Mr. Gillaspy,
>>>> I work with a classroom full of Windows PCs running PSPP. There is 
>>>> a little instability... the challenge is figuring out exactly what
>>>> caused the problem.
>>>> I'm not sure what to say. There is a chance that even though the
>>>> data works in SPSS, there is a problem with it, and there's a 
>>>> chance that there's a problem with the code that causes the program 
>>>> to
>>>> freeze up. There's also a chance that the installation wasn't
>>>> perfect. I don't have enough details to replicate the problem. The
>>>> crash may generate a log file of some sort that the developers on
>>>> the list can often diagnose.
>>>> My thoughts:
>>>> First of all, try the latest builds at: 
>>>> Second, make sure that when you've downloaded the new version, the
>>>> old version is gone.
>>>> Third, I think the best thing to do would be to change one thing
>>>> each time you try to re-run. In other words, try both commands on a
>>>> different dataset. Then try a different combination of commands,
>>>> perhaps once using the GUI interface and once using syntax. Please
>>>> note that some of the most recent SPSS syntax codes are not
>>>> understood by PSPP... And that could be part of the problem.
>>>> If there's anything I can do to try to replicate, please let me know.
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Renan
>>>> On 19-Feb-12 11:50 PM, Tom Gillaspy wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the response.  I have tried all the versions listed on 
>>>>> which are all the Windows versions I could find.  They are all
>>>>> versions since 1/17/12 so they are to my knowledge the most 
>>>>> recent. I have tried both 32 and 64 bit versions.  No difference. 
>>>>>  I have
>>>>> tried to set workspace to a larger area (100000000) with no 
>>>>> impact. The data set I am using has about 28,000 cases with about 
>>>>> 200
>>>>> variables so it is no where near program capacity.  This dataset
>>>>> have been used extensively in SPSS so I don't suspect a problem
>>>>> there.
>>>>> I have tried several analysis functions with the same result.  The
>>>>> first one runs and the second one freezes the program, every time
>>>>> without exception in exactly the same way.
>>>>> any help is appreciated.  Thanks
>>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>>> From: "Renan Levine" <address@hidden>
>>>>> To: address@hidden
>>>>> Sent: 2/18/2012 3:59:44 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: help--PSPP freezes up in Windows 7
>>>>>> What version did this last occur with?
>>>>>> Does it happen with more than one dataset?
>>>>>> On 18-Feb-12 12:39 PM, Tom Gillaspy wrote:
>>>>>>> I can run one request--for example a frequency.  But when I 
>>>>>>> try a second--for example a crosstab--the program freezes.  
>>>>>>> Any
>>>>>>> suggestions?  I understand that people are running in Windows 7
>>>>>>> so I must be doing something wrong.  I have tried every download
>>>>>>> version I can find with the same result. Thanks for any help
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Pspp-users mailing list
>>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Renan Levine
>>>>>> Department of Political Science
>>>>>> University of Toronto - Scarborough
>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>> (416) 208-2651
>>>> --
>>>> Renan Levine
>>>> Department of Political Science
>>>> University of Toronto - Scarborough
>>>> address@hidden
>>>> (416) 208-2651
>> --
>> Renan Levine
>> Department of Political Science
>> University of Toronto - Scarborough
>> address@hidden
>> (416) 208-2651

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