Jill Covert <
address@hidden> writes:
> I used the SELECT IF command instead and that worked. Shouldn't I get an error message though when I used DO IF instead of the program crashing?
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Jill Covert <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi again,
> PSPP crashes when I try to run this particular DO IF command:
> DO IF RSbeh=1 or ERbeh=1.
> LIST RespID RSbeh MeanRS ERbeh MeanER.
> I am able to do other different DO IF commands without the program crashing. I realize this may not be the correct syntax--I've tried reading through the manual for help on that and have tried variations of the syntax, but all result in a crash. Even if my syntax is incorrect, my guess is that it shouldn't crash? I've also
> searched the bugs and archives, tried it with another datafile with the same variables and have uploaded Henry's latest Windows build (4-11-12) with no success.
> Attached is the .sav file.
> Thank you for any suggestions,
> Jill
> We know how to organize warfare, but do we know how to act when confronted with peace?
> -- Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997)
> --
> ________________________
> Jill Covert, MA
> Peace & Justice Studies
> Researcher & Evaluator
> Tel:
> Email:
> We know how to organize warfare, but do we know how to act when confronted with peace?
> -- Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997)