From: John Darrington
To: Arun Joseph <address@hidden>
Cc: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: Can i use mann-whitney u test using pspp?
There is currently no dialog box to generate the syntax for the mann-whitney test.
However, this need not be a problem. Simply open a new syntax window and type (or
copy paste) the syntax below. Then select Run | All.
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:56:55PM -0700, Arun Joseph wrote:
thank you.
?my problem is i have data set. i couldnt find the mann-whitney u test on analyse< non parametric tests of data set editor. i can find
other non parametric tests like chisquare, runs, binomial etc. can u help me?
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? thank u
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? arun
From: John Darrington <
To: Arun Joseph <
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: Can i use mann-whitney u test using pspp?
I'm not sure that I understand you.? Your
original question was about the Mann-Whitney U test,
which PSPP provides as a subcommand to the NPAR tests command.
For example, if you have a variable called X and another called G and G has dichotomous
valus 1 and 2, then a command like
will perform the mann-whitney test using the null hypothesis that the subsamples of X defined by
the values 1 and 2 of G come from the same sample.
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