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Re: correlation question

From: Alan Mead
Subject: Re: correlation question
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 16:04:52 -0500
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I agree with Frank, I'm not able to visualize your dataset.  You might be interested in an ICC but I'm not sure (or sure of which one) and I don't think that PSPP does that calculation (it's an option in RELIABILITIES in SPSS).

So, if you have several correlations, I recommend that you compute them using PSPP and combine them meta-analytically.  The simplest accumulation would be to take the weighted average (if each company has the same sample size, then just the average).  A more interesting question would be whether the correlations are homogeneous or if there are moderators.  Neither PSPP nor SPSS is particularly well suited for these kinds of (meta-analytic) calculations.


On 9/15/2015 3:20 PM, Trisha Carr wrote:

I have a PSPP question and any help at all would be much appreciated! I have a data set with a likelihood to recommend rating and performance on attribute ratings for multiple companies. I'm interested in calculating the correlation for likelihood to recommend and performance on the attributes. I know how to use PSPP to calculate this correlation for each brand individually.

My question is, how can I calculate the correlation for likelihood to recommend and performance on attributes for all companies as a whole? Thanks in advance for any and all help.

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Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
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