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Re: What is the correct way to add linker dependency to QEMU build syste

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: Re: What is the correct way to add linker dependency to QEMU build system?
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:02:45 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.0; emacs 29.1

Paz Offer <poffer@nvidia.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I want to add library 'libdl' to be linked with QEMU build for a particular 
> target (e.g. - qemu-system-arm).
> Using meson I would typically do 'compiler.find_library(...)', and later add 
> the returned dependency to the binary
> dependencies list.
> However, in QEMU I understand that these configurations are done in
> the './configure' file?

No I'm pretty sure all the library finding is done in meson now:

  21:elf = cc.find_library('elf', required: true)                               
  22:procstat = cc.find_library('procstat', required: true)                     
  23:kvm = cc.find_library('kvm', required: true)                               
  663:libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false)                              
  665:util = cc.find_library('util', required: false)                           
  679:  pathcch = cc.find_library('pathcch')                                    
  680:  socket = cc.find_library('ws2_32')                                      
  681:  winmm = cc.find_library('winmm')                                        
  693:  socket = [cc.find_library('socket'),                                    
  694:            cc.find_library('nsl'),                                       
  695:            cc.find_library('resolv')]                                    
  697:  socket = [cc.find_library('posix_error_mapper'),                        
  698:            cc.find_library('network'),                                   
  699:            cc.find_library('bsd')]                                       
  735:  nvmm = cc.find_library('nvmm', required: get_option('nvmm'))            
  827:          xen_deps += { l: cc.find_library(l, required: false) }          
  986:  libaio = cc.find_library('aio', has_headers: ['libaio.h'],              
  1029:    libattr = cc.find_library('attr', has_headers: ['attr/xattr.h'],     
  1075:  libcap_ng = cc.find_library('cap-ng', has_headers: ['cap-ng.h'],       
  1122:  vde = cc.find_library('vdeplug', has_headers: ['libvdeplug.h'],        
  1187:rt = cc.find_library('rt', required: false)                              
  1254:  libmpathpersist = cc.find_library('mpathpersist',                      
  1259:      mpathlibs += cc.find_library('devmapper',                          
  1262:    mpathlibs += cc.find_library('multipath',                            
  1332:        libcurses = cc.find_library(curses_libname,                      
  1382:  brlapi = cc.find_library('brlapi', has_headers: ['brlapi.h'],          
  1425:  librados = cc.find_library('rados', required: get_option('rbd'))       
  1426:  librbd = cc.find_library('rbd', has_headers: ['rbd/librbd.h'],         
  1519:  libbzip2 = cc.find_library('bz2', has_headers: ['bzlib.h'],            
  1535:  liblzfse = cc.find_library('lzfse', has_headers: ['lzfse.h'],          
  1554:    oss = cc.find_library('ossaudio', required: get_option('oss'))       
  1660:         cc.find_library('gpg-error', required: true)],                  
  1774:  sasl = cc.find_library('sasl2', has_headers: ['sasl/sasl.h'],          
  1784:  pam = cc.find_library('pam', has_headers: ['security/pam_appl.h'],     
  1808:  snappy = cc.find_library('snappy', has_headers: ['snappy-c.h'],        
  1824:  lzo = cc.find_library('lzo2', has_headers: ['lzo/lzo1x.h'],            
  1840:  numa = cc.find_library('numa', has_headers: ['numa.h'],                
  1857:  libumad = cc.find_library('ibumad', required: get_option('rdma'))      
  1858:  rdma_libs = [cc.find_library('rdmacm', has_headers: 
  1860:               cc.find_library('ibverbs', required: get_option('rdma')), 
  1933:  malloc = cc.find_library(get_option('malloc'), required: true)         
  2420:  inotify = cc.find_library('inotify')                                   
  3164:    fdt = cc.find_library('fdt', required: fdt_opt == 'system')          
  18:    cc.find_library('ole32'),                                              
  19:    cc.find_library('oleaut32'),                                           
  20:    cc.find_library('shlwapi'),                                            
  21:    cc.find_library('uuid'),                                               
  22:    cc.find_library('intl')                                                

> What would be the correct way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Paz

Alex Bennée
Virtualisation Tech Lead @ Linaro
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:02:44 +0000

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