Alle gioved? 26 settembre 2013, Programmingkid ha scritto:
I try with:
qemu-system-ppc -cdrom /dev/sr0 -m 900 -k en-us -net nic -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0 -boot d -hda /home/sacarde/dati-estranei/qemu/mio.img -M mac99
but I receive:
Please remember not to top post. See bottom for response
On Sep 25, 2013, at 10:56 AM, address@hidden wrote:
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:50:47 +0200
From: sacarde <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Qemu-ppc] qemu-ppc booting from mac-osx dvd
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I am running qemu-system-ppc from my archlinux:
is possible, and how, to boot from macOSX dvd ?
This should do it:
qemu-system-ppc -cdrom /dev/cdrom -m 512 -boot d
or maybe this:
qemu-system-ppc -cdrom ~/Desktop/macos10.4.iso -m 512 -boot d
or maybe this one:
qemu-system-ppc -m 512 -M mac99 -cdrom <some file> -hdd <some file> -boot
Please be sure to use QEMU 1.6.0 or higher when trying. Mac OS X support
was only added recently. Also stick with -hdd if you want to use a file as
the hard drive. The other hd letters don't allow Mac OS X to boot.
The only version of Mac OS X I have installed successfully was Mac OS 10.2.
Maybe you might have better luck.
I would replace the -hda with -hdd. Also whatever device /dev/sr0 is, remove it. It probably isn't supported. Use a disc image file or /dev/cdrom for the real cd-rom drive. |