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Re: [RFC PATCH v2 0/2] hw/ppc: code motion to compile without TCG

From: Bruno Piazera Larsen
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH v2 0/2] hw/ppc: code motion to compile without TCG
Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 11:43:47 -0300
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On 03/05/2021 19:21, Fabiano Rosas wrote:
"Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel)" <lucas.araujo@eldorado.org.br> writes:

After the feedback from v1 I reworked the patch with suggested ideas and
this version has less duplicated code and is overall simpler.

This patch series is still a WIP, there are still 2 main problems I am
trying to solve, I'll mention them in their respective patches.

The aim of these patches is to progress toward enabling disable-tcg on
PPC by solving errors in hw/ppc with that option.

As a WIP comments are welcome.

Lucas Mateus Castro (alqotel) (2):
  target/ppc: Moved functions out of mmu-hash64
  hw/ppc: Moved TCG code to spapr_hcall_tcg

 hw/ppc/meson.build       |   3 +
 hw/ppc/spapr.c           |   1 +
 hw/ppc/spapr_caps.c      |   1 +
 hw/ppc/spapr_cpu_core.c  |   1 +
 hw/ppc/spapr_hcall.c     | 301 ++--------------------------------
 hw/ppc/spapr_hcall_tcg.c | 343 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/ppc/spapr_rtas.c      |   1 +
 target/ppc/meson.build   |   1 +
 target/ppc/mmu-hash64.c  |  81 +--------
 target/ppc/mmu-hash64.h  |   6 -
 target/ppc/mmu-misc.c    |  86 ++++++++++
 target/ppc/mmu-misc.h    |  22 +++
 12 files changed, 478 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/ppc/spapr_hcall_tcg.c
 create mode 100644 target/ppc/mmu-misc.c
 create mode 100644 target/ppc/mmu-misc.h
This is the list of hypercalls registered with spapr_register_hypercall
and whether they are implemented by KVM HV, KVM PR or none. I also list
whether the KVM hcall uses the QEMU implementation as a fallback. Maybe
it will be helpful to this discussion.

(This is from just looking at the code, so take it with a grain of salt)

H_ENABLE_CRQ              - not impl. by KVM
H_FREE_CRQ                - not impl. by KVM
H_FREE_LOGICAL_LAN        - not impl. by KVM
H_GET_TERM_CHAR           - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_ESB                 - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_GET_QUEUE_INFO      - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_GET_SOURCE_CONFIG   - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_GET_SOURCE_INFO     - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_RESET               - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_SET_QUEUE_CONFIG    - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_SET_SOURCE_CONFIG   - not impl. by KVM
H_INT_SYNC                - not impl. by KVM
H_JOIN                    - not impl. by KVM
H_LOGICAL_CACHE_LOAD      - not impl. by KVM
H_LOGICAL_CACHE_STORE     - not impl. by KVM
H_LOGICAL_DCBF            - not impl. by KVM
H_LOGICAL_ICBI            - not impl. by KVM
H_MULTICAST_CTRL          - not impl. by KVM
H_PUT_TERM_CHAR           - not impl. by KVM
H_REGISTER_LOGICAL_LAN    - not impl. by KVM
H_REGISTER_PROC_TBL       - not impl. by KVM
H_REG_CRQ                 - not impl. by KVM
H_RESIZE_HPT_COMMIT       - not impl. by KVM
H_RESIZE_HPT_PREPARE      - not impl. by KVM
H_SCM_BIND_MEM            - not impl. by KVM
H_SCM_READ_METADATA       - not impl. by KVM
H_SCM_UNBIND_ALL          - not impl. by KVM
H_SCM_WRITE_METADATA      - not impl. by KVM
H_SEND_CRQ                - not impl. by KVM
H_SEND_LOGICAL_LAN        - not impl. by KVM
H_SET_SPRG0               - not impl. by KVM
H_SIGNAL_SYS_RESET        - not impl. by KVM
H_VIO_SIGNAL              - not impl. by KVM

H_CAS                     - not impl. by KVM | called by SLOF only
H_LOGICAL_MEMOP           - not impl. by KVM | called by SLOF only
H_TPM_COMM                - not impl. by KVM | called by UV only
H_UPDATE_DT               - not impl. by KVM | called by SLOF only

H_INT_GET_OS_REPORTING_LINE - not impl. by KVM | not called by linux/SLOF/UV
H_INT_GET_QUEUE_CONFIG      - not impl. by KVM | not called by linux/SLOF/UV
H_INT_SET_OS_REPORTING_LINE - not impl. by KVM | not called by linux/SLOF/UV
H_SCM_UNBIND_MEM            - not impl. by KVM | not called by linux/SLOF/UV

H_GET_TCE      - HV | not impl. by PR | QEMU fallback
H_SET_MODE     - HV | not impl. by PR | QEMU fallback
H_CONFER       - HV | not impl. by PR
H_PAGE_INIT    - HV | not impl. by PR
H_PROD         - HV | not impl. by PR
H_RANDOM       - HV | not impl. by PR
H_READ         - HV | not impl. by PR
H_REGISTER_VPA - HV | not impl. by PR
H_SET_DABR     - HV | not impl. by PR
H_SET_XDABR    - HV | not impl. by PR

H_CPPR             - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_EOI              - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_IPI              - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_IPOLL            - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_LOGICAL_CI_LOAD  - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_PUT_TCE          - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_RTAS             - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_STUFF_TCE        - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_XIRR             - HV | PR | QEMU fallback
H_XIRR_X           - HV | PR | QEMU fallback

H_CEDE             - HV | PR
H_ENTER            - HV | PR
H_PROTECT          - HV | PR
H_REMOVE           - HV | PR

H_CLEAN_SLB      - never called/implemented, added along with H_REGISTER_PROC_TBL
H_INVALIDATE_PID - never called/implemented, added along with H_REGISTER_PROC_TBL

PS: we could perhaps use this information to annotate
qemu/include/spapr.h. I can send a patch if people find it useful.
That would be very good, I think. I'm always in favor of more documentation
Bruno Piazera Larsen
Instituto de Pesquisas ELDORADO
Departamento Computação Embarcada
Analista de Software Trainee
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