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Re: [PATCH 24/26] rust: qom: move device_id to PL011 class side

From: Zhao Liu
Subject: Re: [PATCH 24/26] rust: qom: move device_id to PL011 class side
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 22:30:45 +0800

> No, Self is not PL011Class. Self is PL011State (or PL011Luminary/ and it
> always remains the same. What changes is *what part* of the class is
> overwritten, but the order of calls from qom/object.c follows the same
> logic in both C and Rust.

Thanks! Now I feel I see!

For C side, type_initialize() will allocate a new class instance by
`ti->class = g_malloc0(ti->class_size)`, then actually C side's parent
class_init will initialize that new class instance.

For Rust side, the initialization call chain will initialize Self's
embedded parent class, one by one.

So that's fine!

> > Maybe the confusion is because I implemented class_init twice instead of
> > > using a separate trait "PL011Impl"?
> >
> > Ah, yes! But I think the Rust call chain should not use class_init anymore
> > but should use a different method. This way, the original class_init would
> > only serve the C QOM. A separate trait might break the inheritance
> > relationship similar to ClassInitImpl.
> >
> Do you still think that this is the case?

No, now this patch is fine for me!


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