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[RFC PATCH 12/14] s390x/cpumodel: correct PLO feature wording

From: Hendrik Brueckner
Subject: [RFC PATCH 12/14] s390x/cpumodel: correct PLO feature wording
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 16:54:17 +0100

The PLO functions 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 use 32-bit registers
values.  The plo-*gr variants use 64-bit instead and, thus, correct
the wording.

Signed-off-by: Hendrik Brueckner <brueckner@linux.ibm.com>
Reviewed-by: Janosch Frank <frankja@linux.ibm.com>
 target/s390x/cpu_features_def.h.inc | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/s390x/cpu_features_def.h.inc 
index 09a80844a7..fe7e1bd19c 100644
--- a/target/s390x/cpu_features_def.h.inc
+++ b/target/s390x/cpu_features_def.h.inc
@@ -158,27 +158,27 @@ DEF_FEAT(AP, "ap", MISC, 0, "AP instructions installed")
 /* Features exposed via the PLO instruction. */
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CL, "plo-cl", PLO, 0, "PLO Compare and load (32 bit in general 
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CLG, "plo-clg", PLO, 1, "PLO Compare and load (64 bit in 
parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_CLGR, "plo-clgr", PLO, 2, "PLO Compare and load (32 bit in 
general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_CLGR, "plo-clgr", PLO, 2, "PLO Compare and load (64 bit in 
general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CLX, "plo-clx", PLO, 3, "PLO Compare and load (128 bit in 
parameter list)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CS, "plo-cs", PLO, 4, "PLO Compare and swap (32 bit in general 
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSG, "plo-csg", PLO, 5, "PLO Compare and swap (64 bit in 
parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSGR, "plo-csgr", PLO, 6, "PLO Compare and swap (32 bit in 
general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSGR, "plo-csgr", PLO, 6, "PLO Compare and swap (64 bit in 
general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSX, "plo-csx", PLO, 7, "PLO Compare and swap (128 bit in 
parameter list)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_DCS, "plo-dcs", PLO, 8, "PLO Double compare and swap (32 bit in 
general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_DCSG, "plo-dcsg", PLO, 9, "PLO Double compare and swap (64 bit in 
parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_DCSGR, "plo-dcsgr", PLO, 10, "PLO Double compare and swap (32 bit 
in general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_DCSGR, "plo-dcsgr", PLO, 10, "PLO Double compare and swap (64 bit 
in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_DCSX, "plo-dcsx", PLO, 11, "PLO Double compare and swap (128 bit 
in parameter list)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSST, "plo-csst", PLO, 12, "PLO Compare and swap and store (32 
bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSSTG, "plo-csstg", PLO, 13, "PLO Compare and swap and store (64 
bit in parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSSTGR, "plo-csstgr", PLO, 14, "PLO Compare and swap and store 
(32 bit in general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSSTGR, "plo-csstgr", PLO, 14, "PLO Compare and swap and store 
(64 bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSSTX, "plo-csstx", PLO, 15, "PLO Compare and swap and store (128 
bit in parameter list)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSDST, "plo-csdst", PLO, 16, "PLO Compare and swap and double 
store (32 bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSDSTG, "plo-csdstg", PLO, 17, "PLO Compare and swap and double 
store (64 bit in parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSDSTGR, "plo-csdstgr", PLO, 18, "PLO Compare and swap and double 
store (32 bit in general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSDSTGR, "plo-csdstgr", PLO, 18, "PLO Compare and swap and double 
store (64 bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSDSTX, "plo-csdstx", PLO, 19, "PLO Compare and swap and double 
store (128 bit in parameter list)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSTST, "plo-cstst", PLO, 20, "PLO Compare and swap and triple 
store (32 bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSTSTG, "plo-cststg", PLO, 21, "PLO Compare and swap and triple 
store (64 bit in parameter list)")
-DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSTSTGR, "plo-cststgr", PLO, 22, "PLO Compare and swap and triple 
store (32 bit in general registers)")
+DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSTSTGR, "plo-cststgr", PLO, 22, "PLO Compare and swap and triple 
store (64 bit in general registers)")
 DEF_FEAT(PLO_CSTSTX, "plo-cststx", PLO, 23, "PLO Compare and swap and triple 
store (128 bit in parameter list)")
 /* Features exposed via the PTFF instruction. */

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