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[QSOS-general] [Jabber] First contributions

From: Nicolas Vérité
Subject: [QSOS-general] [Jabber] First contributions
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:09:44 +0100

Hi all,

I started my contributions on the QSOS project,
and they are - for now - related to Jabber.

I've detected some minors bugs and mispellings,
I will report/patch them all as well as I will write feature requests.

The first of them:

* do we need a single sub-criteriaset "Open Standards Protocols"?
(in "XMPP Protocol" section) I think we can omit it.

* what is "Nudge"?

* IMHO, whiteboard, game, and own, shouldn't belong to the XMPP
Protocol section, since they are not yet part of it

* why having a compatibility section? I think it is far to complex
to handle, since we would have to test each feature,
with each client, with each other client... I suggest the pure removal.

I've created basic evaluations of Jabber clients:

* Psi 0.10
We (Walid and me) thought version 0.11 would be ready
for the "Solutions Linux" event in Paris January/February,
so I've just copied the pre-filled 0.11 to 0.10
and updated some fields.

* Tkabber 0.9.9
just filled a bit of all the sections.

* JWChat 1.0beta2
The same.

Nicolas Vérité (Nÿco) mailto:address@hidden
Jabber ID : xmpp:address@hidden
http://linuxfr.org/ - http://fr.wikipedia.org/ - http://www.jabberfr.org/

Attachment: tkabber-0.9.9.qsos
Description: Binary data

Attachment: JWChat-1.0beta2.qsos
Description: Binary data

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