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[QSOS-general] Browsers in webcompatibility.qin

From: Nicolas Vérité
Subject: [QSOS-general] Browsers in webcompatibility.qin
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 11:26:51 +0100


In webcompatibility.qin "Web compatibility" > "Supported browsers", we got:
"Mozilla and Firefox"
"Legacy browsers"

Strictly speaking, Mozilla is an organization (foundation and corporation),
that is subject to evolve. The Mozilla Suite doesn't exist under that
name anymore,
it is Seamonkey, which also subject to evolve. Firefox has a twin
brother: "Iceweasel"
(no troll inside). Firefox has cousins: Epyphany, Flock, etc.
Mozilla-platform-based browsers
are legions: Netscape 6/7/8/9, K-Meleon, etc. So the first item should be IMHO:
"Mozilla platform-based browsers (Firefox)" or something like that.
What would you prefer?

Konqueror and Safari use the same ancestry codebase, which is quite
but it subject to evolve in the right direction through WebKit.
Besides, Adium and Nokia use it.
IMHO, both items should be regrouped in an "WebKit-based browsers
(Safari, Konqueror)".
What would your naming be?

Opera is leading the mobile market and exists also on the desktop,
IMHO it is a mistake to forget it.

My new tree would be:
"Mozilla platform-based browsers (Firefox)"
"WebKit-based browsers (Safari, Konqueror)"
"Legacy browsers"

Nicolas Vérité (Nÿco) mailto:address@hidden
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