Martin KNAPP
Drupal is a full-featured CMS, which includes an important number of groupware and collaboration tools.
Generic criteria from QSOS version 1.6
Intrinsic durability
less than 3 months
if between 3 months and 3 years
after 3 years
Unstable software with numerous releases or patches generating side effects
Stabilized production release existing but old. Difficulties to stabilize developpement releases
Stabilized software. Releases provide bug fixes corrections but mainly new functionalities
The development process is well organised and well controlled. Official releases are well tested and stable.
Software knows several problems which can be prohibitive
No know major problem or crisis
History of good management of crisis situations
Particular attention paid to security alerts which are publicised via mail list and web site and rapidly fixed.
Software is very likely to be forked in the future
Software comes from a fork but has very few chances of being forked in the future
Software has very little chance of being forked. It does not come from a fork either
The Drupal community is far too enthusiastic about Drupal to want to fork it
Adoption by community and industry
Very few users identified
Detectable use on Internet
Numerous users, numerous references
Few refences, non critical usages
Often implemented for critical applications
Drupal is increasingly used for high-profile, mission critical sites. Particularly impressive is the New York Observer which can be seen here:
Drupal also benefits from highly professional services companies. As an example (and without wanting to advertise - I get no commission!) here is a list of Drupal sites engineered by Lullabot:
No community or without real activity (forum, mailing list, ...)
Existing community with a notable activity
Strong community: big activity on forums, numerous contributors and advocates
No book about the software
Less than 5 books about the software are available
More than 5 books about software are available, in several languages
Books in English and German. See
Organisation and leadership of developments
1 to 2 individuals involved, not clearly identified
Between 2 and 5 independent people
More than 5 people
Complete dictatorship
Enlightened despotism
Council of architects with identified leader (e.g: KDE)
See also the Drupal Association:
Activity of the project and around the software
Less than 3 developers, not clearly identified
Between 4 and 7 developers, or more unidentified developers with important turnover
More than 7 developers, very stable team
Slow reactivity in forum or on mailing list, or nothing regarding bug fixes in releases note
Detectable activity but without process clearly exposed, loing reaction/resolution time
Strong reactivity based on roles and tasks assignment
No or few new functionalities
Evolution of the product driven by the core team or by user's request without any clearly explained process
Tool(s) to manage feature requests, strong interaction with roadmap
Very weak activity on both production and development releases
Activity on production and developmenet releases. Frequent minor releases (bug fixes)
Important activity with frequent minor releases (bugs fixes) and planned major releases relating to the roadmap forcast
Industrialization level of the project
Developments realized at 100% by employees of a single company
60% maximum
20% maximum
Drupal is pure open source: the development is not managed by a commercial company
Services offering
No offer of training identified
Offer exists but is restricted geographically and to one language or is provided by a single contractor
Rich offers provided by several contractors, in serveral languages and split into modules of gradual levels
No offer of support except via public forums and mailing lists
Offer exists but is provided by a single contractor without strong commitment quality of services
Multiple service providers with strong commitment (e.g: guaranteed resolution time)
No offer of consulting service
Offer exists but is restricted geographically and to one language or is provided by a single contractor
Consulting services provided by different contractors in serveral languages
A list of support sites in multiple languages is maintained here:
No user documentation
Documentation exists but shifted in time, is restricted to one language or is poorly detailed
Documentation always up to date, translated and possibly adapted to different target readers (end user, sysadmin, manager, ...)
The documentation is also open source so there is a certain lag in development, however it is increasingly complete and thethere are substantial numbers of knowledgeable contributors
Quality assurance process
No QA process
Identifies QA process but not much formalized and with no tool
Automatic testing process included in code's life-cycle with publication of results
There is a benchmarking methodology published here:
The testing of new versions follows, once again, the open source principle: contributors are invited to join in and test for bugs and/or provide patches before each new release. Given the small number of bug fix releases to the core code, I think that this method is remarkably successful thanks to the drive of the community.
No bug or feature request management tool
Standard tools provided (for instance by a hosting forge) but poorly used
Very active use of tools for roles/tasks allocation and progress monitoring
Drupal includes its own project management on its web site
Packaging for various operating systems
Software can't be installed from source without lot of work
Installation from source is limited and depends on very strict conditions (OS, arch, lib, ...)
Installation from source is easy
All code is in PHP
The software is not packaged for Debian
A Debian package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
The software is packaged in the distribution
The software is not packaged for FreeBSD
A port exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
A official port exists in FreeBSD
The software is not packaged for HP-UX
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
A stable package is provided for HP-UX
The software is not packaged for MacOSX
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
The software is packaged in the distribution
The software is not packaged for Mandriva
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
The software is packaged in the distribution
The software is not packaged for NetBSD
A port exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
A official port exists in NetBSD
The software is not packaged for OpenBSD
A port exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
A official port exists in OpenBSD
The software is not packaged for RedHat/Fedora
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
The software is packaged in the distribution
The software is not packaged for Solaris
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support (e.g: )
The software is supported by Sun for Solaris
The software is not packaged for SuSE
A package exists but it has important issues or it doesn't have official support
The software is packaged in the distribution
The project can't be installed on Windows
A package exists but it is limited or has important issues or just cover some specific Windows release (e.g: Windows2000 and WindowsXP)
Windows is full supported and a package is provided
Exploitability level
Difficult to use, requires an in depth knowledge of the software functionality
Austere and very technical ergonomics
GUI including help functions and elaborated ergonomics
The administration is entirely web based, which can make it rather slow and tedious at times. The product itself is complex, and extremely flexible, which in turn means that efficient administration demands a good knowledge of the product.
No administrative or monitoring functionalities
Existing, functionalities but uncomplete and or need improvement
Complete and easy-to-use administration and monitoring functionalities. Possible integration with external tools (e.g: SNMP, syslog, ...)
Extensive log functions. Some contributed log modules.
Technical adaptability
Monolithic software
Presence of hight level modules allowing a first level of software adaptation
Modular conception, allowing easy adaptation of the software by selecting or creating modules
Highly modular
Everything by hand
Recompilation possible but complex without any tools or documentation
Recompilation with tools (e.g: make, ANT, ...) and documentation provided
PHP code means that compilation is irrelevant
Any modification requires code recompilation
Architecture designed for static extension but requires recompilation
Principle of plugin, architecture designed for dynamic extension without recompilation
Entirely written in PHP, no compilation
Project's strategy
Very strict license, like GPL
Moderate permissive license located between both extremes (GPL and BSD) dual-licensing depending on the type of user (person, company, ...) or their activities
Very permissive like BSD or Apache licenses
Very permissive like BSD or Apache licenses
Moderate permissive license located between both extremes (GPL and BSD), dual-licensing depending on the type of user (person, company, ...) or their activies
Very strict license, like GPL
Rights held by a few individuals or entities, making it easier to change the license
Rights held by numerous individuals owning the code in a homogeneous way, making relicense very difficult
Rights held by a legal entity in whom the community trusts (e.g: FSF or ASF)
No pratical way to propose code modification
Tools provided to access and modify code (like CVS or SVN) but not really used to develop the software
The code modification process is well defined, exposed and respected, based on roles assignment
No published roadmap
Existing roadmap without planning
Versionned roadmap, with planning and measure of delays
Software has no sponsor, the core team is not paid
Software has an unique sponsor who might determine its strategy
Software is sponsored by industry
No detectable strategy or strong dependency on one unique actor(person, company,sponsor)
Strategical vision shared with several other free and open source projects but without strong commitment from copyrights owners
Strong independence of the code team, legal entity holding rights, strong involvement in the standardization process
this section describe how the application manage document
Supported means that the internal engine is able to read or parse file content to create preview file or find key words
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Format are: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, xpm,
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Format are: wmf, svg
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Format are: psp (PaintShopPro), psd (Photopshop)
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Format videos
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Format videos
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
not supported
partialy (buggy or limited feature)
fully supported
Through addin modules
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is supported
Through add-in modules
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is supported
Through addin modules
zip files
The engine see zip file as opaque binary
The engine can browse zip archive with limitation (need of a specific action from the use, content not indexed, no keyword can by attached to its content).
Zip archive are seen like common folder.
rar files
The engine see rar file as opaque binary
The engine can browse rar archive with limitation (need of a specific action from the use, content not indexed, no keyword can by attached to its content).
Rar archive are seen like common folder.
tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.Z archives
The engine see tar file as opaque binary
The engine can browse tar archive with limitation (need of a specific action from the use, content not indexed, no keyword can by attached to its content).
Tarball archive are seen like common folder.
Please keep in mind that here we just evaluate the object creation (does it work or not). We ignore how the results are published (e.g: poor visiblity).
The software can't create picture preview
The software create picture preview for all the major formats (jpg, png, bmp, gif)
The software can create preview for more than 10 pictures formats
Depends on the graphics manipulation package available
The feature doesn't exist
Work fine for at last odt files
Work fine for the majority of the formats
The feature doesn't exist
Work fine for at last doc files
Work fine for the majority of the formats
Please keep in mind that DRM protected file can't be load without official from its manifacturer. Because of this limitation, we prefere to ignore these files in this evaluation. Preview could be a little preview movie (e.g: in flash format) or just a picture.
The feature doesn't exist
The software doesn't support the majority of the files
The software can create preview for a large amount of files
The feature doesn't exist
Work fine for at last odt files
Work fine for the majority of the formats
this section describe how the application manage web page
This feature will be implemented in september 2007 in the Nuxeo EP 5.2
The feature doesn't exist
Work fine for at last odt files
Work fine for the majority of the formats
Blogs can be created by all the users on the site. Authoring tools such as Qumana or ScribeFire can be used to create the blogs (can also include pictures in this way)
No such features
recent changes advertised according to the today's date
recent changes advertised only changes that happened since user's last visit
Thanks to the "Views" system, pretty much anything is possible from this point of view...
Do detail the media in the comment section
This feature doesn't exist
The feature exists for one communication media
This feature exists for several media: e.mail, and IM for instance
E-mail notification available through add-in module
common services betwen ECM an Document managment
The metadata and media content support is to be detailed in the above metadata and mediasupport elements
No search engine available
Searches are limited (to filename, metadata or text content for instance)
Searches are feasable through most of the media content and the metadata
Built-in search only handles text content and metadata
This feature doesn't exist
The feature exist but is limited.
This feature is fully powered
adequate software architecture for custom plugin creation, easy plugin interface
for writing your own additions. Do detail in the comment section the supported plugin languages
monolitic not pluggable
modular plugable but plugin not provided
modular plugins provided
No such feature
poor API
rich API
Do be honest this needs confirmation since I have never used the feature - I know it exists but have no idea how good it is.
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
But it can use PHP5 SOAP capabilities. Also see this add-in module:
No such feature
partially or poorly implemented
well done
No such feature
partially or poorly implemented
well done
No such feature
partially or poorly implemented
well done
No such feature
partially or poorly implemented
well done
But there is an add-in
The documents targeted by the version control are those listed as fully supported in the above "documentsupport" elements
No history/versioning
limited number of document revisions
unlimited number of document revisions
No diff feature
Revision Diffs with the latest
Revision Diffs with the all
No rollback feature
rollback to the latest
rollback to all
To be confirmed...
Describe how we can connect to the repository
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
No such feature
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
No such feature
limited integration capabilities
good capabilities
Description of the internal work proces
No revision control system exist.
Every saved document are archived. Go back to an old revision need an important amount of work.
Every change done with the internal editor are logged. It's easy to come back to an old revision of the document from another user.
In oder to edit a document the user use the official tool.
It's possible to use a remote stand alone tool to edit documents.
All common feature are supported by a last one stand alone tool.
Ability to lock file avoid data lost or synchronization issues
The feature doesn't exist
The feature just exists, an administrator can quickly unlock a file
The feature exist, administrator can quickly unlock a file and a timeout system exists to unlock file after a certain amount of time.
The feature doesn't exist
The feature just exist
This feature is fully powered
The feature doesn't exist
The feature just exist
This feature is fully powered
Meta data are infromation related to a document like (author, copyright holder, ...)
Metadata are all the specific key work that can be attached to a document
Can't add specific key words
Key word can be added but with limitation: limited list, no easy to way extend the list
key words easily added and features are easily extended
Ability to do a classication in a predesigned hierarchy
This feature doesn't exist
The feature exist but is limited.
A new document can quickly be registered in the hierarchy
No LDAP based authentification availble
LDAP availble but limited (e.g: group mapping limited, etc)
LDAP is one of the recommended authentification backend
Add-in module
No Active Directory based authentification availble
Active Directory availble but limited (e.g: group mapping limited, etc)
Active Directory is one of the recommended authentification backend
Here we do not attach importance on supported data bases, please see the storage section
No data base base authentification availble
Data base availble but limited (e.g: group mapping limited, etc)
Data base is one of the recommended authentification backend
Is possible to create digital cypher (e.g: GNU PGP)
Feature not supported
Fetautre partialy supported
Feature fully supported
Feature not supported
Fetautre partialy supported
Feature fully supported
The feature doesn't exist
Fetautre partialy supported
Feature fully supported
The feature doesn't exist
Fetautre partialy supported
Feature is fully supported
Please keep in mind, that the score doesn't mean that an element is good or bad. e.g: a solution that doesn't use the filesystem for the data storage can be good. See: QSOS Method to get more details
Can the solution use the file system to store data (files, description, ...). Please, descript the recommended environment.
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is fully supported
No data storage available. Please, descript the recommended environment.
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is fully supported
Can user create link to physical material like book or paper document?
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is fully supported
Application is not designed to support Multisite architecure
Can be done with a third party
Application supports Multisite architecure
Application is not designed to support Load balancing
Can be done with a third party
Application supports Load balancing
I believe this is possible but it needs validating
Application is not designed to support fail over
Can be done with a third party
Application supports fail over
Application is based on LAMP so fail-over dependent on these components
Application is not designed to support Repository replication
Can be done with a third party
Application supports Repository replication
Application is not designed to support Index replication
Can be done with a third party
Application supports Index replication
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is supported
Feature is not supported
Feature is partialy supported
Feature is supported
Can we create a virtual user with specific rights and give his rights to phyical people (e.g: the role "backup administrator" read access on the data base)
The feature doesn't exist
The feature exists but is limited
The Feature is available or can easily be simulated thanks to a powerful group system
all this section was validated thanks to
Page not valid (parse errors)
Page not valid with important errors (encoding mismatch)
Page valid, or with minor errors (missing "alt" attribute, use of unknow attribute)
Page not valid (parse errors)
Page not valid with important errors (encoding mismatch)
Page valid, or with minor errors (missing "alt" attribute, use of unknow attribute)
CSS doesn't or no valid not valide (parse errors)
CSS not valid with important errors (encoding mismatch)
CSS valid, or with minor errors (missing "alt" attribute, use of unknow attribute)
html tables should not be used for layout/positioning, css is there to help.
html tables are not used for layout/positioning
not too much used
systematically, too much used
Frame use
frame are not used
frame are rarely used
systematically, too much used
iFrame use
iframe are not used
iframe are rarely used
systematically, too much used
css designed for printout
yes, but print-outs are not well rendered for a few use cases.
Supported Browser
Firefox, please detail the supported version in the comment section
not supported at all
not officially supported, but works ok or good enough.
supported and advised browser
Konqueror, please detail the supported version in the comment section
not supported at all
not officially supported, but works ok or good enough.
supported and advised browser
MSIE, please detail the supported version in the comment section
not supported at all
not officially supported, but works ok or good enough.
supported and advised browser
Safarie, please detail the supported version in the comment section
not supported at all
not officially supported, but works ok or good enough.
supported and advised browser
Legacy browser are browser outdated like MSIE4 and Netscape 4, please detail the
supported version in the comment section.
not supported at all
not officially supported, but works ok or good enough.
supported and advised browser
Browser required enablings: javascript, applet, SVG, and flash. Reminder: here, a higher score does not mean a better product nor the opposite, it really depends on your needs and non functional requirements.
Is the browser javascript enabling required ? If the score is 1 or 2, do indicate in the comment section the required jvm version. If the score is 1, do detail.
The interface makes no use of javascript, and thus, does not need javascript to run at full flavor and speed
The interface makes use of javascript but can properly function without it.
Javascript is necessary to use the interface (beacuse it's AJAX based for instance).
Does the browser needs a java plugin (to enable applet) ? If the score is 1 or 2, do indicate in the comment section the required jvm version. If the score is 1, do detail.
The interface does not contains any applet, and thus, does not need java to run at full flavor and speed
The interface makes use of applet(s) but can properly function without it.
A Java plugin is necessary to use the interface, the applets are key players in it.
Does the browser needs a SVG plugin ? If score is 1 or 2, do indicate in the comment section the required SVG version. If the score is 1, do detail.
The interface does not contains any SVG graph, and thus, does not need any SVG plugin to run at full flavor and speed
The interface makes use of SVG but can properly function without it.
A SVG plugin is necessary to use the interface, the SVG graph are part of key features of the interface.
Does the browser needs a flash plugin ? If score is 1 or 2, do indicate in the comment section the required flash version. If the score is 1, do detail.
The interface does not contains any flash graph, and thus, does not need any flash plugin to run at full flavor and speed
The interface makes use of flash but can properly function without it.
A flash plugin is necessary to use the interface, the interface is mainly made of
Do detail the rss feed format/protocol in the comment section
This feature doesn't exist
The feature exists but is limited
This feature exists and feeds are tunable and/or atom feeds are available