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[Quilt-dev] tempfiles

From: James Rowe
Subject: [Quilt-dev] tempfiles
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 03:03:15 +0000

 Are they the bane of your life too?

 configure.in now outputs a reasoning behind failed mktemp -d's.  It
also tells you about the choice to use tempfile, or in extreme cases a
less than efficient touch & mkdir based system.

  A new function in patchfns.in has been added to cope with these
changes, gentemp().  To use it just call gentemp, and it will return(if
successful) the name of the tempfile.  if you need a directory call it
with the option '-d'(see diff.in).

  All the files that use tempfiles have been changed to work with

  diff.in has changed a little, and now places its temp directory in
/the/ temp directory.  Using the working tree for tempfiles is just
plain wrong.  Of course this means that the cp command has had the links
option removed, so it won't cause problems.

  When tempfiles are created they now honour the quilt name too as a
side effect.

  Tempfiles should _never_ just be forced to /tmp, so check for $TMPDIR
initially then fall back on /tmp.  Well, although not strictly a
fantastic idea this is one time when parsing stdio.h to see the defined
directory would be silly ;)

The fallback tempfile generation system is available to people who
provide none to configure with '--with-mktemp=none'.  Although it is not
required by posix standards should we be enforcing 0600 perms on those
files?  Currently they just use the user's umask. 

Attachment: tempfiles.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpGArxXlEqrh.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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