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[Quilt-dev] quilt delete doesn't remove entry from .pc/

From: Yasushi SHOJI
Subject: [Quilt-dev] quilt delete doesn't remove entry from .pc/
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 22:40:42 +0900
User-agent: User-Agent: Wanderlust/2.10.1


when I do:

$ quilt new new.diff
$ quilt del new.diff

there is still .pc/new.diff/.  is this intended?

if i do:

$ quilt new new.diff
$ quilt add any-file
$ quilt del new.diff

.pc/new.diff/ is gone.

this is becase remove_parents()::backup-files.c gets called only when
there is a file in .pc/new.diff/.

I often mis-type when I do `quilt new'.  so when I realized i
mis-spelled, i do `quilt del'.  so my .pc/ dir is full of non
existance entries. :<

maybe what I need is `quilt rename'?

best regards,

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