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[Quilt-dev] quilt mail format

From: Rtp
Subject: [Quilt-dev] quilt mail format
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 11:47:22 +0100


I'm using quilt to send patches. My work flow is more or less:
- hack on dev box with quilt
- create mbox file with quilt mail --mbox ....
- copy the mail on a system which is able to send mails and send it
  formail -s /usr/lib/sendmail -odi -t < .mbox

While it's working, every now and then, I'm getting some complains like:

submit the patch using the kernel guidelines (not as an attachment, but in the 
main body text-only)

Are there some steps I miss in order to not get theses complains and
keep my workflow ?


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