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Re: [RP] ratpoison and wine

From: Martin Samuelsson
Subject: Re: [RP] ratpoison and wine
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 13:27:44 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 10:22:41PM -0800, shawn wrote:
> This is a good question. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a
> keyboard grabbed event that I can listen for so I can steal the keys
> back if they are grabbed by another client. I'll take a look...it
> appears as though a keyboard grab produces a XFocusInEvent and an
> XFocusOutEvent. I should be able to fix the above problem in short
> time...

Should I report it in the bug tracking system until that is done? I don't know 
how you think the best way to work is. One good thing with putting it in the 
bts is of course that other users can see that we are aware of the problem and 
get a more positive feeling of the project.

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