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Re: hints and problems with 0.5.5 .deb package

From: boud
Subject: Re: hints and problems with 0.5.5 .deb package
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 01:51:09 +0200 (CEST)

hi dmitry, and lurkers :),

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Dmitry Borodaenko wrote:

On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 08:35:50PM +0200, boud wrote:
i've tried installing samizdat-0.5.5 from the debian package on a
sarge installation with apache-1.3.33-3 and postgresql 7.4.7-6sarge1.
i partly succeeded, but not totally. Here is some feedback.

First of all, let me apologize for the out-of-date install.txt: there

No need for apologies: that's what the developer/user community is
all about... If i get through installing and then maybe understanding,
then i could even help cvs-ing updates, even just to documentation.
Anyway, first let's get the install done...

** createuser samizdat : how-to revert privileges
i eventually found the psql commands to change user samizdat's privileges:

alter user samizdat nocreatedb; alter user samizdat nocreateuser;

Would this be worth putting this somewhere in the install in case the
user said "y \n y" and wants to revert? In any case, this cannot be
the cause of the message.rb problem.

** apache stuff
> * same for Alias /css/ i put
> Alias /samizdat/css/ ...

Hm, I'm not sure that's correct, can you give me some context? What is
your complete vhost (it's vhost, isn't it?) setup?

Yes. i have other virtual servers here, so ServerPath /samizdat is
(probably) what i want. Anyway, the full config is below.

** Main problem (right now):

Full diagnostics are below, here are some clues.

** apache/error.log + postgresql log

point where message.rb seems to fail is, IMHO, here:

apache/error.log: around Aug 30 23:10:09

LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:09 2005] [notice] child pid 7901 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:12 2005] [notice] child pid 7904 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)

postgresql.log:  around Aug 30 23:10:09

STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:09 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:11 [8039] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:11 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8039) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8043 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [8043] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=

** samizdat-drb-server
i tried
# Change to one to start samizdat-drb-server on boot

/etc/init.d/samizdat restart

and got the same error (just different job numbers etc.)

** another clue:
Most of the "buttons" seem to work.  :))))
i clicked on "Enable advanced interface", and then, after i clicked
on message.rb, i got a more advanced interface :).

This time, before clicking on "preview", i put some random text in the box:
"Reference to description (ID or URL of another message on this site)"
and got the report:

User Error
Invalid message reference.
Press 'Back' button of your browser to return.

i went back, removed the random text from the box "Reference to ...",
clicked "preview", and got back to the earlier error - delay, and after
many seconds, "The document contains no data."

Anyway, big log extracts are below...  i started looking at message.rb,
and i have to admit that it looks fairly readable, even though i haven't
yet looked at any web pages on ruby as a programming language... :)


apache vhost
    ServerPath /samizdat
    ServerAdmin address@hidden
    CustomLog /var/log/apache/samizdat/access.log webalizer
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache/samizdat/error.log

    DocumentRoot /var/www_samizdat/samizdat

    <Directory /var/www_samizdat/samizdat>
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
#        AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes Options

        <Files config.yaml>
            Order allow,deny
            Deny from all

    DirectoryIndex index.rb
    AliasMatch ^/samizdat/(foci|history|index|item|login|logout|member|message|\
moderation|pingback|query|resource)\.rb /usr/lib/cgi-bin/samizdat/$1.rb
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)$ /resource.rb?id=$1 [PT]

    <IfModule mod_ruby.c>
       RubyRequire apache/ruby-run

    <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin/samizdat>
        Options ExecCGI
#        SetEnv SAMIZDAT_DRB druby://localhost:9000
#        SetEnv SAMIZDAT_BASE /var/www/samizdat
        SetEnv SAMIZDAT_BASE /var/www_samizdat/samizdat
        <Files *.rb>
            SetHandler cgi-script
#            <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
#                SetHandler fastcgi-script
#            </IfModule>
            <IfModule mod_ruby.c>
                SetHandler ruby-object
                RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
        <Files pingback.rb>
            SetHandler cgi-script
        <LimitExcept GET POST>
            Order deny,allow
            Deny from all

    Alias /samizdat/css/ /usr/share/samizdat/css/

#    Alias /content/ /var/www/samizdat/content/
    Alias /samizdat/content/ /var/www_samizdat/samizdat/content/
    <Directory /var/www_samizdat/samizdat/content>
        Options Indexes
        <Files *.rb>
            Order deny,allow
            Deny from all
        <LimitExcept GET>
            Order deny,allow
            Deny from all

apache, postgresql logs
Tue 30 Aug 23:06:38 CEST 2005
# /etc/init.d/apache restart
Restarting apache.
# /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Stopping PostgreSQL database server: postmaster.
Starting PostgreSQL database server: postmaster.

[30/Aug/2005:23:07:54 +0200] "GET /samizdat/ HTTP/1.1" [30/Aug/2005:23:09:56 +0200] "POST /samizdat/login.rb HTTP/1.1"
[30/Aug/2005:23:09:56 +0200] "GET /samizdat/ HTTP/1.1"
[30/Aug/2005:23:10:03 +0200] "GET /samizdat/message.rb HTTP/1.1"

- no errors anywhere near this time

postgresql.log:  (most postgresql.conf settings at debug2 level)

2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id FROM Member m 
WHERE login = 'test'
              AND passwd = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id FROM Member m WHERE login = 'test'
              AND passwd = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: BEGIN
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: UPDATE Member SET login_time 
= 'now', last_time = 'now',
                  session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e' WHERE id = 1
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  UPDATE Member SET login_time = 'now', last_time = 'now',
                  session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e' WHERE id = 1
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: COMMIT
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT a.object, 
        FROM Statement a, Message b, Resource c
          AND a.object IS NOT NULL
          AND a.predicate = AND c.literal = false AND c.uriref = true AND 
c.label = ''
          AND a.subject =
          AND (a.rating > 0 AND b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
        GROUP BY a.object
        ORDER BY count(a.subject) DESC
        LIMIT 20
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT a.object, count(a.subject)
        FROM Statement a, Message b, Resource c
          AND a.object IS NOT NULL
          AND a.predicate = AND c.literal = false AND c.uriref = true AND 
c.label = ''
          AND a.subject =
          AND (a.rating > 0 AND b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
        GROUP BY a.object
        ORDER BY count(a.subject) DESC
        LIMIT 20
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT a.subject
        FROM Statement a, Resource b, Message c, Resource d
        WHERE =
          AND a.object IS NOT NULL
          AND a.predicate = AND d.literal = false AND d.uriref = true AND 
d.label = ''
          AND a.subject =
          AND b.published_date IS NOT NULL
          AND (a.rating >= 1.5 AND
                c.parent IS NULL AND c.version_of IS NULL)
        GROUP BY a.subject
        ORDER BY max(b.published_date) DESC
        LIMIT 5
        OFFSET 0
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
        FROM Statement a, Resource b, Message c, Resource d
        WHERE =
          AND a.object IS NOT NULL
          AND a.predicate = AND d.literal = false AND d.uriref = true AND 
d.label = ''
          AND a.subject =
          AND b.published_date IS NOT NULL
          AND (a.rating >= 1.5 AND
                c.parent IS NULL AND c.version_of IS NULL)
        GROUP BY a.subject
        ORDER BY max(b.published_date) DESC
        LIMIT 5
        OFFSET 0
2005-08-30 23:09:56 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT
        FROM Resource a, Message b
        WHERE =
          AND a.published_date IS NOT NULL
          AND (b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
        ORDER BY a.published_date DESC
        LIMIT 20
        OFFSET 0
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
        FROM Resource a, Message b
        WHERE =
          AND a.published_date IS NOT NULL
          AND (b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
        ORDER BY a.published_date DESC
        LIMIT 20
        OFFSET 0
2005-08-30 23:10:03 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:09 [8039] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:11 [8039] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:11 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8039) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8043 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [8043] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [8043] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [8043] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:12 [8043] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [8043] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8043) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8046 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [8046] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [8046] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [8046] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:14 [8046] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:16 [8046] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:16 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8046) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:17 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8051 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:17 [8051] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:17 [8051] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:17 [8051] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:17 [8051] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:18 [8051] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:18 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8051) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:19 [8011] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:20 [8011] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:20 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8011) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:21 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8055 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:21 [8055] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:21 [8055] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:21 [8055] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:21 [8055] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:22 [8055] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:22 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8055) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:23 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8058 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:23 [8058] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:23 [8058] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:23 [8058] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:23 [8058] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:25 [8058] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:25 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8058) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:26 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8062 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:26 [8062] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:26 [8062] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:26 [8062] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:26 [8062] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:28 [8062] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:28 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8062) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:28 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8026) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:29 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8066 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:29 [8066] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:29 [8066] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:29 [8066] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:29 [8066] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:30 [8066] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:30 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8066) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:10:32 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: forked new backend, pid=8071 socket=8
LOCATION:  BackendStartup, postmaster.c:2235
2005-08-30 23:10:32 [8071] LOG:  00000: connection received: host=[local] port=
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2395
2005-08-30 23:10:32 [8071] LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=samizdat 
LOCATION:  BackendFork, postmaster.c:2457
2005-08-30 23:10:32 [8071] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem 
FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
2005-08-30 23:10:32 [8071] LOG:  00000: statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, 
email, login_time FROM Member WHERE session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOCATION:  pg_parse_query, postgres.c:464
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHERE 
session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
2005-08-30 23:10:33 [8071] LOG:  08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOCATION:  SocketBackend, postgres.c:281
2005-08-30 23:10:33 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8071) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078
2005-08-30 23:11:58 [7998] DEBUG:  00000: child process (PID 8074) exited with 
exit code 0
LOCATION:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2078

  AND (a.rating >= 1.5 AND
        c.parent IS NULL AND c.version_of IS NULL)
GROUP BY a.subject
ORDER BY max(b.published_date) DESC
LOG:  statement: SELECT
FROM Resource a, Message b
  AND a.published_date IS NOT NULL
  AND (b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
ORDER BY a.published_date DESC
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:09 2005] [notice] child pid 7901 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:12 2005] [notice] child pid 7904 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:15 2005] [notice] child pid 7903 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:17 2005] [notice] child pid 8012 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:19 2005] [notice] child pid 7902 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:21 2005] [notice] child pid 7905 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:23 2005] [notice] child pid 8040 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:26 2005] [notice] child pid 8047 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:29 2005] [notice] child pid 8050 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
[Tue Aug 30 23:10:33 2005] [notice] child pid 8052 exit signal Segmentation faul
t (11)
LOG:  statement: SELECT oid, typname, typelem FROM pg_type WHERE typtype = 'b';
LOG:  statement: SELECT id, login, full_name, email, login_time FROM Member WHER
E session = '0938278c78a9398631a1d00e1a9c947e'
LOG:  statement: SELECT a.object, count(a.subject)
FROM Statement a, Message b, Resource c
  AND a.object IS NOT NULL
  AND a.predicate = AND c.literal = false AND c.uriref = true AND c.label =
  AND a.subject =
  AND (a.rating > 0 AND b.parent IS NULL AND b.version_of IS NULL)
GROUP BY a.object
ORDER BY count(a.subject) DESC

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