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Re: [Savannah-cvs] savannah/gnuscripts sv_register_discard

From: Jaime E . Villate
Subject: Re: [Savannah-cvs] savannah/gnuscripts sv_register_discard
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 09:09:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hi Mathieu,
Your are doing a great job and I appreciate that you've been very active in
improving Savannah's code. I just have one small suggestion to make; please try
to write more descriptive Log messages in you commits so we can figure out
what changes you have really done. Those messages are also very important to
lead to a good ChangeLog file that will allow to look back in the future and
remember quickly the changes that were done. Also, try to avoid using a generic
Log message for several different commits; I think every log message should be
unique. I know this implies some extra time and effort specially when you
update lots of files in one day, but that extra effort is worth.


On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 11:02:52AM -0400, Mathieu Roy wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvsroot/savannah
> Module name:  savannah
> Changes by:   Mathieu Roy <address@hidden>    02/05/15 11:02:51
> Modified files:
>       gnuscripts     : sv_register_discard 
> Log message:
>       enhancement

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