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[Savannah-cvs] [230] https: new page about certbot/let's-encrypt setup

From: assafgordon
Subject: [Savannah-cvs] [230] https: new page about certbot/let's-encrypt setup
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:53:28 +0000 (UTC)

Revision: 230
Author:   agn
Date:     2016-09-24 04:53:26 +0000 (Sat, 24 Sep 2016)
Log Message:
https: new page about certbot/let's-encrypt setup

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/sviki/FrontEndDevelopmentSite.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/FrontEndDevelopmentSite.mdwn    2016-09-23 03:04:54 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/sviki/FrontEndDevelopmentSite.mdwn    2016-09-24 04:53:26 UTC (rev 
@@ -215,9 +215,20 @@
 If the file is downloaded successfully, certbot's certificate
 registration/renwal process should 'just work'.
+See [[https]] for more information about savannah's
+certbot/let's-encrypt certificates setup. See the section "Registering
+additional sub-domains" at the bottom of that page for example of
+adding a certificate for `jsmith.frontend0`.
-FIXME: Explain Bob's non-root certbot setup.
+After registering an SSL certificate for this new subdomain,
+use the following apache configuration statements:
+    <VirtualHost *:443>
+      [... other SSL related settings ...]
+      SSLCertificateFile      
+      SSLCertificateKeyFile   
+      SSLCertificateChainFile 
+    </VirtualHost>
 ### Document root

Modified: trunk/sviki/SavannahHosts.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/SavannahHosts.mdwn      2016-09-23 03:04:54 UTC (rev 229)
+++ trunk/sviki/SavannahHosts.mdwn      2016-09-24 04:53:26 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -422,12 +422,9 @@
-FIXME: Needs quite a bit more documentation here on setting up certbot
-for Let's Encrypt.  See /home/certbot/README for more details there.
-But start with creating a non-root certbot user.
+See [[https]] for details about SSL certificates setup using
+certbot/let's-encrypt on `frontend0`.
-    adduser --disabled-password --gecos Certbot certbot
-    ...less /home/certbot/README
 Host internal0
@@ -530,18 +527,15 @@
     /etc/apache2/sites-available from frontend
-Set up the HTTP SSL certificates.  Currently those are traditional ssl
-certificates.  Let's Encrypt certificates required newer software than
-we had available on the old frontend.  But now it is easy to set up
-the new Let's Encrypt Certbot certificates.  I am in the process of
-writing up that documentation.  It is complicated by the fact that the
-official EFF client tries to do too much and requires root priviledges
-that I do not want to give it.  Therefore I lock it down into a
-non-privileged user.  This makes the use of it more involved but it is
-much safer and more secure that way.  FIXME: Add Certbot documentation.
+Set up the HTTP SSL certificates. The current ('old') certificates are
+wildcard SSL certificates from GANDI.NET. Copy them as-is:
     /etc/ssl/private installed from frontend
+The new SSL certificates (e.g. for `frontend0`) will use certbot/let's-encrypt.
+See [[https]] for details about them.
 Set up munin-node.
     apt-get install munin-node

Added: trunk/sviki/https.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/https.mdwn                              (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sviki/https.mdwn      2016-09-24 04:53:26 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+HTTPS  Certificates
+This page describes the HTTPS configuration for savannah's
+new servers (e.g. `frontend0`, `vcs0`).
+The current ('old') servers use a wildcard SSL certificate from
+The new servers use [Let's Encrypt]( certificates.
+Further reading about savannah's server:
+* [[SavannahArchitecture]] - overview of the current ('old') setup
+  (i.e. vcs, mgt, frontend, internal, vcs, download).
+* [[SavannahHosts]] - Configuration of the new servers
+  (i.e. mgt0, vcs0, frontend0, internal0, download0).
+Further reading about savannah's frontend:
+* [[FrontEnd]] - Notes about the current frontend setup (git,cvs).
+* [[FrontEndDevelopmentSite]] - Setting up development sites for savannah.
+EFF's CertBot
+[EFF's CertBot]( is a python-based package that
+registers and renews "Let's Encrypt" certificates (it is the successor of
+`letencrypt-auto` - the old name of the package, before EFF took over its
+Savannah's configuration uses `webroot` method (aka `certonly`),
+in which the webserver (apache2) exposes a specific directory
+over HTTP, certbot writes the authentication files to this directory
+and comminucates with "Let's Encrypt"'s certificate authority
+to register/renew certificates. For details, see
+Savannah uses a non-standard `certbot` configuration, which allows it
+to operate without requiring `root` access to the server. By default,
+`certbot` requires root access to register/renew certificates (as the
+certificate's private-key need to be securely stored, and accesible
+only by the webserver). Details of this non-standard setup are
+described below.
+Typical Certbot/webroot setup
+*NOTE*: Savannah uses a modified setup which does not require running
+`certbot` as root. This section gives a general overview of `certbot
+--webroot` setup (to help understand savannah's customization,
+Install `certbot` by downloading the prebuilt package for your OS here:
+<> or by following detailed instructions here
+### Web-server configuration, part 1
+Create a directory where certbot will write the authentication files:
+    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/certbot
+In the apache configuration file, expose this directory with a pre-set URL:
+    Alias /.well-known /var/www/certbot/.well-known
+    <Directory "/var/www/certbot/">
+      AllowOverride None
+      Require all granted
+    </Directory>
+If using nginx, use the following (savannah does not yet use nginx):
+    location /.well-known {
+       root /var/www/certbot/ ;
+    }
+Test the setup by create a file and downloading it
+(the `.well-known` subdirectory is needed for testing, otherwise
+it will be automatically created by `certbot` on one the first run):
+    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/certbot/.well-known
+    $ sudo touch /var/www/certbot/.well-known/foo
+    $ wget
+### First-time domain registration
+Run `certbot` for the first time, registaring the required domain names.
+Multiple domains can be specified, and they will be included in the same
+certificate. "Let's Encrypt" does not support wildcard certificates, so
+all needed domains need to be specified.
+The first listed domain will determine the output file names.
+    ./certbot-auto certonly \
+        --email address@hidden \
+        --agree-tos \
+        --keep-until-expiring
+        --webroot \
+        --configdir /etc/letsencrypt/ \
+        -w /var/www/certbot/ \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        -d \
+        ...
+If the registration succeeded, the following files and directories
+will be created (these are the certificates and keys):
+    /etc/letsencrypt
+    |-- accounts
+    |   `--
+    |       `-- directory
+    |           `-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+    |               |-- meta.json
+    |               |-- private_key.json
+    |               `-- regr.json
+    |-- archive
+    |   `--
+    |       |-- cert1.pem
+    |       |-- chain1.pem
+    |       |-- fullchain1.pem
+    |       `-- privkey1.pem
+    |-- csr
+    |   `-- 0000_csr-certbot.pem
+    |-- keys
+    |   `-- 0000_key-certbot.pem
+    |-- live
+    |   `--
+    |       |-- cert.pem -> ../../archive/
+    |       |-- chain.pem -> 
+    |       |-- fullchain.pem -> 
+    |       `-- privkey.pem -> 
+    `-- renewal
+        `--
+### Web-server configuration, part 2 (SSL)
+The Apache SSL configuration will be:
+    <VirtualHost *:443>
+      SSLEngine on
+      SSLCertificateFile      
+      SSLCertificateKeyFile   
+      SSLCertificateChainFile 
+      # Many more SSL-specific configuration (ciphers, protocols, etc.)
+    </VirtualHost>
+If using nginx, the configuration is:
+    server {
+      listen 443 ssl;
+      ssl on;
+      ssl_certificate     
+      ssl_certificate_key 
+      # Many more SSL-specific configuration (ciphers, protocols, etc.)
+    }
+Restart the web-server to load the certificates (check server logs to
+ensure loading suceeded).
+### SSL certificate testing
+Use `wget` or `curl` to test if the certificates `just works`:
+    $ wget -O-
+    --2016-09-07 00:27:08--
+    Resolving (
+    Connecting to 
(||:443... connected.
+    ...
+    $ curl
+    ...
+Or use `openssl` to troubleshoot the connection:
+    $ openssl s_client -servername \
+                       -host \
+                       -port 443 -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -showcerts </dev/null
+    ...lots of details omitted for brevity...
+    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
+### Certificate renewal
+"Let's Encrypt"'s certificate expire after 90 days, and must be routinely
+renewed. It is recommended to run the `renew` command once a month (e.g. in
+`/etc/cron.monthly` to avoid service disruptions).
+    certbot-auto --no-self-upgrade \
+                 --email address@hidden \
+                 --agree-tos \
+                 renew \
+                 --text \
+                 --webroot \
+                 --config-dir /etc/letsencrypt \
+                 -w /var/www/certbot/
+If all worked well, the output will resemble:
+    Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/
+    The following certs are not due for renewal yet:
+      /etc/letsencrypt/live/ (skipped)
+    No renewals were attempted.
+### Adding subdomains
+"Let's Encrypt" certificates do not support wildcard subdomains (e.g.
+`*`). Each domain must be explicitly registered.
+One method is to register multiple domains in a single certificate (and a 
+`certbot-auto` invocation) - they will be stored (and visible) in the
+"Certificate Subject Alternative Name" field of the published certificate.
+To add domains, simply add more `-d MY.SUB.DOMAIN.ORG` parameters to the
+`certbot-auto` command. Make sure to add them *last* and leave the name
+of the first domain unchanged, as the name of the first domain (the
+first `-d` parameter) detemintes the output file names in `/etc/letsencrypt`).
+Another method is to create a separate certificate file for each subdomain,
+and run `certbot-auto` separately for each domain. Each certificate will
+have a separate subdirectory under `/etc/letsencrypt/live`. (This is the
+method savannah currently uses).
+Savannah's non-root certbot installation
+Bob Proulx developed and installed a modfied configuration which
+allows `certbot-auto` to operate as a non-root user, isolated in its
+own directory. This setup is used on `frontend0`.
+Create a dedicated non-root user:
+    # adduser --disabled-password --gecos Certbot certbot
+Create required directories:
+    # su -l certbot
+    $ cd /home/certbot
+    $ mkdir -p bin etc www log tmp
+Create two fake root programs (to simulate root environment for
+the `certbot-auto` program):
+    $ cd /home/certbot/bin
+    $ printf '#!/bin/sh\necho "fake apt-get" "$@"\nexit 0\n' > apt-get
+    $ chmod a+x apt-get
+    $ printf '#!/bin/sh\nfakeroot env "$@"' > sudo
+    $ chmod a+x sudo
+Install the certbot program into `/home/certbot/src`.
+FIXME: Fill-in exact commands.
+When `certbot-auto` is run the first time (as the non-root `certbot`
+user), it will try to install some packages automatically (by calling
+`apt-get`). With the fake `apt-get` in place, the names of the
+required packages will be printed to the screen instead of being
+installed. Install the printed packages as root. The list of pacakges
+will be likely similar to this:
+    # apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python python-dev \
+                    python-virtualenv gcc dialog libaugeas0 augeas-lenses \
+                    libssl-dev libffi-dev ca-certificates
+Run `certbot-auto` as `certbot` user with `-d` parameter to register a
+new domain:
+    # su -l certbot
+    $ XDG_DATA_HOME=src \
+         certbot-auto --no-self-upgrade \
+                      --email address@hidden \
+                      --agree-tos \
+                      certonly --text --webroot \
+                      --config-dir ~/etc \
+                      --work-dir ~/tmp \
+                      --logs-dir ~/log \
+                      -w ~/www \
+                      -d \
+                      -d
+FIXME: Bob's examples in `/home/certbot/README` show a slightly more 
+invocation. Validate above command or fix it.
+The content of `/home/certbot` should look like this:
+    /home/certbot
+    |-- bin
+    |   |-- apt-get
+    |   |-- certbot-auto
+    |   |-- renew-ssl-certificate
+    |   |-- renew-ssl-certificate-cron
+    |   `-- sudo
+    |
+    |-- etc [*** equivalent to /etc/letsencrypt in the previous section,     
+    |       [*** certificates and private keys in PEM format are stored here 
+    |   |-- accounts
+    |   |-- archive
+    |   |-- csr
+    |   |-- keys
+    |   |-- live
+    |   `-- renewal
+    |
+    |-- log [*** renewal logs will be saved here ***]
+    |
+    |-- src [*** the installed 'certbot-auto' program ***]
+    |   `-- letsencrypt
+    |       `-- bin
+    |       [...]
+    |
+    |-- tmp
+    `-- www
+        `-- .well-known [*** This directory should be exposed by the webserver 
+### Frontend0's apache configuration
+The majority of the apache's configurations are in
+`/etc/apache2/sites-available/`.  However this file does *not*
+contain SSL configuration - as it is included twice in other files
+(once for gnu, once for nongnu).
+The file `/etc/apache2/sites-available/` contains:
+    <VirtualHost *:443>
+      SSLEngine on
+      SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
+      SSLHonorCipherOrder On
+      SSLCertificateFile      
+      SSLCertificateKeyFile   
+      SSLCertificateChainFile 
+      ServerName
+      Include sites-available/
+    </VirtualHost>
+The file `/etc/apache2/sites-available/` contains a
+configuration similar to the above, with a different `ServerName`
+statement (recall that the multiple domains gnu/nongnu,savannah/sv are
+registered in the same certificate file - so it is used in all these
+virtual hosts).
+### Manual Renewal
+The script `/home/certbot/bin/renew-ssl-certificate` contains:
+    #!/bin/sh
+    # Conditionally renew the certificate.
+    env XDG_DATA_HOME=src certbot-auto --no-self-upgrade --email 
address@hidden --agree-tos renew --text --webroot --config-dir ~/etc --work-dir 
~/tmp --logs-dir ~/log -w ~/www
+### Automatic Renewal (cron)
+FIXME: document `/home/certbot/bin/renew-ssl-certificate-cron` once
+the setup is stable.
+FIXME: is it symlinked in `/etc/cron.monthly` ?
+### Registering additional sub-domains
+Additional subdomains can be used for [[FrontEndDevelopmentSite]].
+The current recommendation is to register new subdomains in a new,
+separate certificate file (as opposed to adding more subdomains to the
+existing certficiate).
+    # su - certbot
+    $ env XDG_DATA_HOME=src \
+        certbot-auto --no-self-upgrade --email address@hidden \
+                     --agree-tos certonly --text \
+                     --webroot \
+                     --config-dir ~/etc \
+                     --work-dir ~/tmp \
+                     --logs-dir ~/log \
+                     -w ~/www \
+                     -d \
+                     -d \
+                     -d \
+                     -d
+The certificate files for the new subdomain will be stored in
+The appropriate apache configuration is:
+    <VirtualHost *:443>
+      ServerName
+      ServerAlias
+      ServerAlias
+      ServerAlias
+      [... other SSL related settings ...]
+      SSLCertificateFile      
+      SSLCertificateKeyFile   
+      SSLCertificateChainFile 
+    </VirtualHost>

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