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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] [task #14586] svn import for gnustep-nonfs

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] [task #14586] svn import for gnustep-nonfsf
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 06:53:27 -0600
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170609 (1.8.3)

John Sullivan wrote:
> The FSF has no such requirement or even preference. In fact, we have
> tried multiple times to get this changed, but some GNU folks prefer
> CVS.

Here is the current status of the git web page project.

Assaf was attempting to actually convert all of the current
repositories to git.  I think we need to support both cvs and git and
leave the legacy pages in cvs without touching them.  But make pages
available to projects in additional systems other than cvs.  And at
that point others are easier.  But at the current time there is only
the additional git for web pages.  But one must start with something
in order to work through the development.

Personally I don't find cvs web pages a hardship at all.

> We do have painfully limited staff time, but if someone wants to
> implement other VCS for web pages, I personally would be extremely
> happy. We would not stand in the way and would do our best to
> facilitate (after the new server deployment is done).

Great!  I am very glad to hear this.  Both it and the new server
upgrades too.

I am traveling this next ten days.  Actually camped out in Wayne NE on
an annual trek to Oshkosh, WI, for a fly-in.  So mostly I am going to
have small snippets of time on the laptop from a picnic table while
swatting mosquitos away all of the while. :-)

> (GNA was not run by FSFE btw.)

Right.  And personally I think that is one of the reasons it
eventually shut down.  It wasn't part of either the FSF or FSFE.


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