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Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of SOS -

From: Jonathan Gonzalez V.
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of SOS -
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 15:43:33 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

David Decotigny <address@hidden> writes:

Hi David Decotigny:

> Hi Jonathan,
> Jonathan Gonzalez V. wrote:
>> You didn't send an URL to download the code of your project, can you
>> send me the code to my email (address@hidden)?
> No problem. Actually, I should have checked the checkbox "link to web
> site"  instead of the other checkbox (something like "real site on
> savannah") when I registered SOS in savannah. Because we already have
> a website where we distribute everything. But in addition to a simple
> link to the website, I would have liked to have a public cvs server
> somewhere for people to checkout the latest version of the
> source. That is the main reason why I registered SOS in savannah (to
> benefit from a public cvs server).
> Anyway, you'll find everything regarding SOS at this address :
> The website and the published articles are in french, but the code is
> in english. If you don't understand French and you only would like to
> review the code, please go directly here to download the code :
> Or, with some explanations (in french) :
> The principle is to release the code 1 month after the paper article
> is published. Actually, we have the code up to article 5 (even 6), but
> we won't release them all before december 2004 (february 2005). For
> the time being, we make only the articles 1..3 public, the 4th article
> will be realeased on the SOS website by the end of next week. If you
> would like to see the latest "tested" version (article 5, not yet
> published), I can send it to you (just tell me), but I ask you not to
> distribute it before december 2004. I don't know if this wish goes
> against the GPL...

I would like to review the code that you will put in Savannah, because
the problems have to be fixed in the version that we sill host, so
please send me to my email(address@hidden) the latest source
code. You can make the release version whenever you want it, there's
no problem to make the release in 1 month, but you have to know that
the CVS will contain the latest version of the code and not a release.

>> I wish to review the code to catch potential legal issues early and
> I wrote all the _code_ from scratch, the only exception being
> sos/klibc.c where I re-used the BSD prototypes (for sure), and
> apparently some code of it (I have to check this). For some algorithms
> and key-ideas, I used our previous work done in Kos
> (, hence the "KOS Team" credits on some
> headers/sources.

There's no problem to give the Copyright Notices to other people, but
we have to be sure that these piece of code are under a GPL-Compatible
license. Consider to check the all the possible files with piece of
code that was made it for other people. I'll check the new code, but
can you send me a list of all the things that wasn't made it by you?

I already made a check to the article3 source code, I found some
little license problems. Any file with more than 10 lines should carry
on a Copyright License even the files like README and INSTALL should
carry a Copyright License that can be the GNU FDL, to learn more about
how to use the GNU GPL license you can check this URL:

And to read the GNU FDL and how to use it, read this URL:

I saw some files with Copyright to the Free Software Foundation, can
you tell me where you get this files?

Consider this changes before send me the latest source code,
so the review to the source code will be more faster.

Best Regards

"Emacs the only editor which has its own church"

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