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[screen-devel] [bug #63473] Attaching to session started with -Dm vertic

From: anonymous
Subject: [screen-devel] [bug #63473] Attaching to session started with -Dm vertically centers prompt
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 16:13:12 -0500 (EST)

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #63473 (project screen):

Looks like the detached command spawns with a height of 24 then the attach
command spawns with the real height (say 62) and the ensuing resize results in
38 lines of padding above the prompt.

So I am not sure this is actually a bug although it does bring some
difficulties to my use case.  Should the detach command be taking into account
the size of the terminal that spawned it?  Is there a way to provide it with a
size?  Looking into it now...

Alternatively it would also work if there was a way to make the resize move
with the top rather than the bottom as it currently does.


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