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Re: question about keyboard combinations

From: Alan D. Salewski
Subject: Re: question about keyboard combinations
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 11:08:33 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.5 (2021-01-21)

On 2025-02-19 13:10:37, Feodor <> spake thus:
I prescribed
bindkey ^[[1;3D prev
bindkey ^[[1;3C next
in ~/.screenrc for switching between tabs with ALT+LEFT/RIGHT.
It works only with left ALT. What should I put in to make right ALT work
I'm using st terminal.

Those settings work fine for me using both left-side and right-side
ALT keys, in 'st' terminal.

Can you confirm (e.g., by using CTRL-V in bash) that your left- and
right-side ALT keys are producing the same value?

Here's what I see:

    $ # left-side ALT-LEFT:
    $ # ^[[1;3D

    $ # right-side ALT-LEFT:
    $ # ^[[1;3D

    $ # left-side ALT-RIGHT:
    $ # ^[[1;3C

    $ # right-side ALT-RIGHT:
    $ # ^[[1;3C

a l a n   d.   s a l e w s k i

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