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de volta a transferencia de arquivos!

From: Marcelo Dantas Júnior
Subject: de volta a transferencia de arquivos!
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 22:25:35 -0000
User-agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

uft> open HOST

Local login     : user
Local password  :
                  ^^^^^^^^ > mesmo digitando a senha ele fica em
Remote login    : usermainframe
Remote password :
                  ^^^^^^ > a mesma coisa aqui, abaixo o resto eh em
branco, so com <enter>
Remote billing  :
Remote project  :

Max record size (0->your choice  1->512  2->950  3->2000  default:
512): 281
      ^^^^ > isto eh um parametro para transferencia, cada arquivo
tem o seu!
Transfer mode (1->block mode  2->line mode  default: 1): 2

Remote machine (1->DPX  2->DPS8  3->DPS7 4->DPS6 5->OTHER  default:
1): 3

create  command : available
delete  command : available
readatt command : not available
restart command : available

The current local directory is : /home/sm
uft> cd /home/sm/arquivos
uft> get arquivomainframe as arquivoaix.txt
Receiving arquivomainframe as arquivoaix.txt
Transfer identification : 1765641872
Transfer duration       : 110.75596 s
Transfer traffic        : 72.93 kbytes/s

Bem pessoal, isto é feito a mao diariamente, queria automatizar
tarefa, ja falei deste tal de uft para vcs aqui... como ja disse eh
um soft que conecta o mainframe ao AIX somente para transferencia de
arquivos fiz um script assim:

uft <<END
open TLGP
sm sm

e o resultado foi este:
host/bin> a

Local login     : Local password        :

e desde entao nao passa dai...

mudei para isto:

uft <<END
open TLGP sm sm

e o resultado:

uft> Syntax error.
Usage : open <remote-host>
Alias : connect

entrando no uft e digitando help:
host/bin> uft
uft> help
COMMAND                                 |
| cd      |       | Changes the current directory of the local login
under UFT |
| cfile   |       | Executes a sequence of UFT commands stored in a
file       |
| connect | open  | Connects local system to a remote host by a UFT
connection |
| create  |       | Creates a file on a connected remote
host                  |
| delete  |       | Deletes a file on a connected remote
host                  |
| disc    | close | Disconnects local system from a connected remote
host      |
| exit    | quit  | Exits from
UFT                                             |
| help    | ?     | Gives informations about UFT
commands                      |
| modify  |       | Modifies characteristics of the current
connection         |
| rcdir   | rd    | Receives a remote directory from a connected
remote host   |
| readatt | ga    | Gets informations about a file of a connected
remote host  |
| receive | get   | Receives a file from a connected remote
host               |
| restart |       | Restarts an interrupted file
transfer                      |
| send    | put   | Sends a file to a connected remote
host                    |
| sndir   | sd    | Sends a directory to a connected remote
host               |
| shell   |       | Escapes to an interactive
shell                            |
| who     |       | Displays the characteristics of the current
connection     |
| !       |       | Executes shell
commands                                    |
| <DEL>   |       | Aborts/interrupts the current file
transfer                |

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