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Re: [Simulavr-devel] patch to add vcd output generator

From: Carsten Beth
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] patch to add vcd output generator
Date: Fri Nov 22 12:30:02 2002

Hi Ted,

I was very busy the last weeks, so I haven't time to test your patch in 
detail. I just apply the patch on simulavr-0.1.1, start ./configure and make.

While apply the patch I get a message, that exists already and 
furthermore the new files (all the vcd stuff) goes directly to the src 
directory, not to a subdirectory.

./configure and make work, but the disp-vcd isn't build.

Maybe I did somethink wrong?!? If I have time,  I will look for that on the 


Am Samstag, 16. November 2002 05:34 schrieb Thedore A. Roth:
> Hi Carsten,
> I've merged your vcd program in the simulavr source. The attached patch is
> what I will most likely commit as a first cut. It still needs a bit of work
> to clean up the source, but that can be after the initial commit.
> I've gotten this to compile cleanly on my redhat-8.0 system but I have yet
> to try running it (will work on that tomorrow). Can you please verify that
> it compiles and runs properly on your system?
> I downloaded and build gtkwave last night and it looks like it could be a
> very useful tool for debug analysis.
> Ted Roth

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